
I want to like it, but it has a boring awkwardness to the dialog and characters that’s occasionally punctuated by 30 seconds of an action/violence scene each episode. It’s almost navel gazingly ennui in the story (I use that word loosely here) telling.   

Aw, missed opportunity. Boba Fett Bubble Tea.


I took it that this was just another Elseworlds Flash, or an Earth 2 Flash if you will. Gunn and Sarafin can absolutely recast all the major heroes, since none of them were used in Blue Beetle, the official start of the new DCEU.

Nah. I’ve been commenting here for quite some time now, and I’m still in the grays for whatever arbitrary reason.

Selling above cost is still price gouging. Still not rewarding fucksticks who take advantage of a shitty roll-out campaign specifically designed to drive up demand for products that a company already knew would be in high demand. 

Selling above cost is still price gouging. Still not rewarding fucksticks who take advantage of a shitty roll-out

Nope. Not rewarding some company that uses bots to sell above cost. Fuck them.

Nope. Not rewarding some company that uses bots to sell above cost. Fuck them.

Wait, let me look for some fucks to give about Amy Cooper (whom I’m surprised isn’t in jail).

Thanks for showing me more useless crap I want to buy! Damn you, lack of willpower!

Thanks for showing me more useless crap I want to buy! Damn you, lack of willpower!

There have been reports that the church was throwing a COVID party, and that’s where her mother took her to get ‘herd immunity’.

All this blog post has shown me, is that there are a lot of motherfuckers out there with severe OCD.

I say this as a middle-aged, white guy, but how in the fuck does someone think that it’s okay to wear blackface/yellowface/etc.?!? Never once have I said to myself, ‘You know what would be funny? If I dressed up as a racial stereotype.’

Um, it has nothing to do with the Navy. It’s owned and operated by The Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SIO) which is a department of the University of California San Diego.

Took me three readings of this to realize that you were asking for viewer’s opinions on whether or not to buy it. Maybe state that somewhere near the top that this is what the posting segment is about to make it clearer.

Took me three readings of this to realize that you were asking for viewer’s opinions on whether or not to buy it.

This post is just dripping with information.

This post is just dripping with information.

Damn, if that’s what you call a brilliant first date move, your standards must be outstandingly low. I’m sorry you haven’t had better quality dates.

5 feet/charge, with a three hour minimum charge time.

Do a Google search for ‘soda and swine scotch egg’.
