Yeah, unfortunately that's the guy's schtick. He's supposed to be the Hulk yelling all this, but mostly it comes off as annoying. BUT he does bring up many valid points.
Yeah, unfortunately that's the guy's schtick. He's supposed to be the Hulk yelling all this, but mostly it comes off as annoying. BUT he does bring up many valid points.
Because if someone dented my 2000 year old car (when I had a couple of identical ones sitting in reserve within walking distance), I'd go out of my way to hunt them down and hurt them instead of just getting on with the job of killing their entire species. Especially since she had nothing to do with crashing the ship…
I saw it a few weeks ago. I'm also not a fan of MacFarlane or Family Guy. I found this movie to be actually pretty funny. Once you get used to the bear, he basically becomes a screwed up, pot smoking roommate some of us may have had in college. The only part of the movie I didn't like was the Giovanni Ribessi sub-plot.
One of the biggest plotholes comes at the end. The Engineer has a couple of more ships to choose from to go destroy Earth (which he assumes is still the plan since he's been in stasis for 2000 years yet hasn't bothered to call the homeland to see what's up), but instead he chases Shaw onto the damaged lifeboat to try…
Here's a better article about how people are reading too much into this movie because it is intentionally left vague and badly written in the first place.
Uh, actually at 70 degrees the screen is protected from the glare since it's closer to the closed position (zero degrees).
Free WiFi in the Apple store. The only reason I ever stop by.
There's a backstory. Of course the previews aren't going to get into that in 90 seconds, since it's explained in the movie.
In court after being sued by Mom for overclocking Bender...
If you're dropping a minimum of $2500 on this unit, in a world where most computers are obsolete (hardware-wise) either right out the door or 3 months down the line, and you're not able to upgrade something as simple as RAM, then yes it does matter. Because otherwise it's just a waste of money.
Originally, back in the comics, the 'S' was actually Ma Kent's idea. It came from an old Smallville High letterman's jacket. After the Donner movie, it was retconned that the 'S' symbol was the symbol for the House of El (as in Jor-El, Kal-El, etc.).
Kneel before my COD....piece!
But you get my point. It's a dick move to bundle two separate programs together just to increase dispersal of one horrible program (in this case, iTunes). Granted, you can use all the plug-ins, emulators and codecs you want, but Apple sure doesn't make it easy on the regular guy/gal.
If Google followed Apple's lead, they'd bundle the YouTube app with Google Maps. Much like Apple bundles Quicktime with iTunes.
I vote Democrat (a "liberal" as you put it) but I'm not anti-gun nor anti-death penalty. Then again, I also don't parrot stupid labels spewed out by feeble-minded asshats named Limbaugh or O'Reilly either. Why? Because I can actually think for myself and articulate those thoughts without having to follow others blind…
Wasn't there a woman a few months back that was setting up a meth lab inside a Walmart? Oh wow...there were two within the last year...
Talking is a good thing unless you're saying the same thing over and over again (just in 10 different ways) like in all Tarantino movies. Death Proof was just an out and out bad movie. Lengthening it would have probably produced riots in theaters that screened it. "Brevity is the soul of wit." "Show, don't tell."…
Here's an idea...we've got something like 100,000 troops that are going to be coming home from a crappy war, why not fire the TSA agents and replace them with the returning troops? They already have more experience than any TSA agent ever would. If you keep their salary the same as what they're making in the military…
Hell yeah! Bring on a 3 hr movie that's actually worth watching. Some movies require editing to make them flow better ("Snow White and the Huntsman", and anything by Tarantino (sorry, but Kill Bill did not require two movies)), while others need the time to tell the whole story. I trust Nolan to do and present the cut…