
Try Land’s End for basics like t-shirts and cardigans. I get great plus size stuff there...and you can put items in the washer and dryer and get them back looking like they’re supposed to look.

Tim Gunn was spot on regarding Ashley Nell Tipton. It was as if she was designing to exaggerate a plus size woman’s curves. Not all of us want that.

Frankly, Gohmert is worse than the most idiotic peckerwood that ever staggered out of the East Texas piney woods.

I’d rather that the university not handle rape cases or other serious crimes themselves at all. The city, county, or state police should immediately be in charge and the victim be treated at a hospital experienced in such cases.

He doesn’t realize that he can’t actually “sack” a general. He can have the general moved out of a position, but the general retains rank and so forth until he or she retires.

Is that stadium supposed to look like a bird’s nest?

Trump is the undisputed master of word salad.

“Based on how I was treated, my suspicion is the editors aren’t big Ann Coulter fans,”

As a supervisor who has been on the other side of that discussion, I wish we could find an easier, more open way to talk. I’ve had several employees who needed help and I wanted to help them, but they were uncomfortable speaking up until their conditions were clearing affecting their work. I’d much, much rather have

There’s an interesting article in Dallas Magazine. It’s more about the “kingmaker” who talked Hawk into running and tried to support her during her short time in office.

Once they assign members to this independent commission we’ll see if this is a serious effort.

I’ve been listening to this podcast. It’s quite good. He’s taking a nuanced view, looking at motivations and not treating the Goths as a single tribe of mindless barbarians.

It will be interesting to see what Gretchen Carlson does now in terms of her career. She’s standing firmly on moral high ground for the first time since she joined Fox News. She could use that to pivot to being a real journalist if she’s ever had aspirations in that regard.

That’s pretty much what all his movies are. There’s always a character who is Woody Allen’s proxy and has pretty much the same personality in every movie. Then, yes, the character does land a young woman way out of his league and/or age group.

The National Mall and Memorials in Washington DC should be up on this list. While it’s man made, it’s wonderful in many different ways. As a local, I often take it all for granted...but then you bring visitors to the Mall and come up out of the Metro and they always come to a standstill looking back and forth between

Cooking onions in a pan is easy and doesn’t take long. That, combined with the need to remove liquid from the onions while cooking, would seem to make them a really poor candidate for sous vide....unless of course that whole explosion thing had been correct!

Why in cultural battles do women always seem to catch the worst of things?

Yeah, I had to hit the snooze bar and try again.

Not even Mel Gibson in the lead role could ruin that movie. I loved it.