
I’m confused as to why Trump would want to intentionally give the middle finger to China. Aren’t the great majority of his branded products made there?

“Escalonte/the town buried in sand “

So, you realize that the US didn’t need him to go to Sweden to extradite him, right? Before he ran into the Ecuadorean Embassy to avoid talking to the Swedish authorities, Assange was in the UK. The US and the UK have a strong extradition agreement, one that was made particularly strong after 9/11. If the US was

Former finishing school. I know they’ve been working to get past that image, but part of that image is what they’re selling. A bucolic retreat, horse riding, ring ceremonies. They’re trying to walk a line where they keep the attractive parts of the image while improving the academics. Still, it’s hard to

I keep expecting the staff of the Ecuadorean Embassy to bundle him up, shove him in a van, and drop him on the door step of the Russian Embassy.

And to go to jail for the sexual crimes he’s accused of, not for something related to Wikileaks.

So, basically, Assange under the guise of promotion of more openness to help candidates (and the Russians) who would very likely go in for more spying and less openness.

You’re right. Some women have it harder than others, for sure, but the working world isn’t a hell-scape.

It varies a lot among the STEM fields. Women have parity (and in some cases outnumber) with men in biological, environmental, and medical sciences. The big problem is with engineering and computer sciences, but that said, some schools have made great progress and it wasn’t a matter of segregating the women off by

Those colleges you list also vary a LOT in terms of quality of education or ranking from very good to so-so. That’s going to play out over time. The old “finishing school” women’s colleges are going to fall faster than the ones with a solid academic reputation.

And that’s the point. It’s good for some people, not for others. Co-ed education isn’t by default bad for women, but some women prefer or do better in single gendered classes.

Do you think that the common application is partially responsible? It’s much easier now for a student to apply to many colleges and universities than it was back in the era of paper applications.

There needs to be a wide range of college experiences, such as size of school and approach to teaching. It’s not a one size fits all kind of thing.

“Basically, most women will have their entire adult lives to struggle to be regarded and treated as equals, the longer they can put off having to start doing that, the better.”

And none of the African-American students are inhibited in the least by some people of other races/ethnicities in class with them.

It’s a really good option for SOME women. There are girls and women who CAN develop self esteem and get great educations even when there’s a man or boy around.

Then Mary Baldwin needs to (and probably is) put a good bit of effort into letting their male students know that it’s not alright to sexually harass or assault their fellow students. Not sure what you mean by other forms of gendered violence. Most men really do know this and aren’t violent.

Another issues is that when a student (and potentially his/her parents) are looking at schools, they have to consider cost and reputation. Many smaller liberal arts schools are fairly to very expensive. You look at that, then you look at your state university with it’s good reputation in a range of subjects and that

A teacher would have picked your raised hand at a decent co-ed school, too.

The articles that came out about Sweet Briar College after the attempted closure showed that the alumnae who spoke of their love of the school were really really bad at giving money to the school. They did raise a lot during the fervor around saving the school, but it will be interesting if they go back to their