
NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of

and whose husband is Erik Prince, who is hostile to the idea of a “public military” (aka Blackwater CEO)

*someone who has literally said children belong in coal mines to bring glory to god and that literacy is not a right

That $4B probably includes 15-20 years of technical support and maintenance assistance from Boeing.

You forgot Betsy DeVos for Sec. of Education, someone who has been hostile to public education

Reminder: The new head of HUD is Ben Carson, who has no experience in housing or urban development. The new head of Transportation is the wife of the Senate majority leader. AG nominee Sessions has proven to be a very ethically hateful individual, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is Goldman Sachs in physical form, and Chief

Is there any part of the Presidency this guy actually wants?

I stayed in a capsule hotel in Japan when i was there, just for the experience. It was quite funny to sleep in a pod for a night, but staying a prolonged period of time in a tiny space like that would surely drive me insane. I just can’t understand how people can live like that.

The problem was largely they were a victim of success and the drivers for profit. The underlying concept is very appealing, they had a basic product that worked to a degree. The main problem was they were pushed to far too fast, it’s more than possible with some additional R&D Theranos could do exactly what they said

I always thought she looked rather vacant and oblivious. Like a strung-out pole dancer with a Ritalin addiction who’s been up for about 72 hours organizing her closet.

And just where the hell are people getting this idea that our voting process is broken? Could it be the constant, baseless claims from the Republican party that our process is compromised?

Or her Goldman Sachs cabinet! Phew! Lots of bullets dodged.

But let’s all remember how corrupt Hilary is, with her email mismanagement and her charity—the one with high ratings from watchdog organizations. Good thing we dodged that bullet, huh?

Although I don’t have a medical degree and am a man, I’ve decided to pursue a head OB/GYN role since I spent the most formative parts of my life in utero. You’re an inspiration to us all, Dr. Carson.

what part of “Burmese Python in the Florida Everglades” strikes you as normal?

“If any of us had a grandpa talking like Trump is tweeting today we’d start looking into finding a nice nursing home and we all know it.”

Chelsea Manning is in prison, and I seldom hear people call her a hero. Assange is, indeed, a massive tool. A sexist rapist egomaniac tool who is actively working against democracy and being used by Russia to destabilize the world.

I didn’t say that. He’s trying to destabilize Europe by bombing the hell out of the rebels in Syria That forces refugees to flee to Europe, then creating the problem they are having with anti refugee sentiment and nationalism.

He actually does want America to fail. He views us as Imperialist and Fascists and the typical crap leftist self-proclaimed “revolutionaries” call us, and just undermining Western institutions to him is a way to bring down the “empire.”

When I lived in Russia a few years ago, a man attacked me and attempted to pull my pants off in broad daylight in a subway station in full view of a cop and the cop did nothing, even as I kept yelling “stop” in every language I knew, including Russian. I had to punch him hard a few times to get away while the cop just