To the point that they look like reskins.
To the point that they look like reskins.
I'll take my "3/4 looks like something they've done before and 1/4 looks identical to what their successors created" ball and go home then.
I'm still waiting for the Bungie game where I'm not fighting the Flood (aka The Hive), the Covenant (aka The Fallen), The Brutes / Hunters (aka The Cabal), and those stupid light robots from Halo 4 (aka The Vexasuarus Wrex - or whatever the hell they are called).
But yeah, Tyrion really helps sell the idea that you're…
It restores balance to the universe, Kyle.
Considering that its branded as an MMO as well, I was hoping that would add some length.
I mean, yeah - COD, BF, etc don't have massive campaigns because the majority of people buy them for their multiplayer portion. However, the MP portion of Destiny is (in my opinion) limited. Fun, sure. But very limited. So I was…
We're only a few days into Destiny and I've already demolished the entire campaign (Kirk will have your review next week), including almost 100% of the patrols and firestrikes as well as a bunch of bounties.
Roger Ailes doesn't buy his own groceries, libtard.
Brian Kilmeade was the pudgy polo wearing kid in your 5th grade class whose dad managed a Target and coached the schools baseball team who managed to somehow land a gig on a local news show after lumbering through a communications degree at State Tech whilst being the least funny but totally one of the bros dudes at…
Here's my EARLY review of Destiny:
It's Halo's greatest hits with an RPGish/MMO overlay. From the fighting to win from a losing standpoint story to the Flood-esque Darkness to the Covenant-like enemies. It's basically everything from all the Halo games wrapped in a shiny RPGMMO-light coating.
And there's nothing wrong…
Serious question (since you're a reporterish person) - at what point do you draw the line and say, "Fuck it. We're going nuclear."?
I mean, how bad does something have to be for that to happen? Would the victim have had to die?
Goodell: And to think I almost ducked this one.
Rice: Ha.
Kilmeade: Haha.
Mayweather: Hahaha!
Koppenhaver: Hahahahaha!
Tyson: Hey guys. Whats going on?
He looks ... unwell.
Blue Team Scout: Say boss, why are we fighting the Red Team again?
Blue Team Leader: Because they're wearing red, dipshit.
Blue Team Scout: But boss ... don't you think that's a little, y'know, arbitrary?
Blue Team Leader: *sigh* Fine. You need a reason? The Red Team Leader fucked my dad and posted a Vine of it. Ok? Are…
It's ok. It's like blowing a bubble.
I call myself a "reader". It makes me feel smart.
Ok -
So someone fucks a few people, some things happen, and all of a sudden all the articles about sexism, etc that exist in the video game world are no longer relevant because of a few people?!?
Thanks for the video. It made things clear(ish) but the conclusions this asshole draws are, largely, off the mark.
I get the sneaking suspicion that things will calm down when everyone is back in school next week.
I've been trying to follow this - figure out what's going on, but I'm stumped. And not in a "I don't get what all the fuss is about" stumped but "What the fuck is going on and I am very confused" stumped.
If White can pull a judge mid tournament, then - in my opinion, those wins / losses should be removed from the fighters' records.
Its the only way I see to prevent White from pulling this shit.