
"Bag of Dicks" is actually on their take out menu.

I'm sorry that you feel that way and I apologize if I've upset you. That's my fault.

Now, why would you think I'm a divorce attorney?

"I completely agree with you about X* but lets talk about how it impacts Y" has won me many an argument.

*does not believe in X. is lying to your face.

Can we be friends?

Holy shit. This is fascinating. Thank you.


Oh yeah!

Regardless, well done.

Keep everyone's head the same BUT Rocket Raccoon and you win.

10/10. Would not rob.

I only hit you because I love you, Michelle.
- Stephen A Smith

Bow Wow?

It could be a mural, dude.

Gotta dream big.

(secretly hoping he raises thousands of dollars and has to figure out how to draw a 400ft dick)

Ruben "Chingada" Tejada

She might as well have just said, "I don't need feminism because I like Gilded Age anthropomorphic ducks."

Yeah well, I patented the ...