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I was amazed to find this low-hanging fruit not yet posted:

If I was raising a crop of dental floss in Montana, this would be a perfect little truck to accompany me and my pygmy pony.

I hope your winter beater is up to the task today.

Dude imagine this: self delivery


I wouldn’t be surprised if he passes on turkey pardoning. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he signed death warrants for any still-living turkeys pardoned by Obama. My capability for surprise has waned almost completely.

Can we just move on from this and get to more pressing matters? Such as, what will Trump do if the family members of the turkey he pardons this week don’t pay him enough respect afterwards?

There’s a word, and it’s quite short, for how the vast majority of information in this world is conveyed: Said. A

What I like to do is calculate the amount of fuel that an idling engine would use, then work out whether the fuel required to make up for the decelerative forces produced by remaining in gear would be more or less than the former value at that moment in time, continuously evaluate the two, and then not give a

Anyone who has ever been to a football game at UNH would agree that if they spent all $4 Million on the football stadium, it would be considered a “nice start” to improving it.

UNH also installed a new video scoreboard for the hockey arena recently as well! As an alum from UNH, this is not surprising. The school does a lot of great things, but (partially as you mentioned the state funding) their finances are shady as fuck.

This is what has become of higher education in the country - the prioritizing of a singular sport over all else.

Great read. Pretty tough story.

Fucking scoreboard?

As an alumna of UNH (and a librarian) what really irks me about this is that they didn’t even spend it on the most popular sport. The men’s ice hockey team is far and away more important on campus and to the student body and alumni. Its been said down thread-but if you want the money to go to something you care about,