
Ah yes the morning what fresh hell am I living in today briefing

LAND Rover.

The evolution of the Garbage Truck ;)

Tepesch Mowed

No, the moral of the story is to knock it off with the negative waves!

There will be so much winning, the corporations will be sick of it!

Dukakis wore it better.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Behold idiot son-in-law Jared Kushner—the man now in charge of brokering Middle East peace, Uberizing the federal

You know of course, that you and I are both going to get bricks thrown at us for that, and here they come in 3...2...1...DUCK!!!

Here’s David’s Project Slow Devil, having made it 300 miles from Detroit to West Lafayette, Indiana. He might just pull this off.

This is actually indicative of the problem—10-11 year olds playing an 11 a side game on a full size field? At least that is what it looks like. Parents screaming instructions like maniacs on the sidelines? These kids look very talented, but they should be playing small-sided games, and their parents should not be