Lord Coders the Forever Grey

Here’s one Esper we should just turn into magicite.

 Shut up, tomato. 

I’m getting an Albert Fish vibe.

Well, everyone knows these characters are interesting. What my view presupposes is... maybe they aren’t?

My fainting couch portfolio is finally coming through for the weary investor.

No. NO. WTF. That was terrible, totally shitty, lazy structuring of a narrative. Yeah, it would’ve been fantastic if it was one of the LAST episodes; well, it wasn’t and now instead of the epic humans vs the dead we’re left with sloppy seconds and sorry regrets. FAIL. Total fail, GoT, unless somehow the storyline

I’m pretty sure in most places in Canada that if you are not towing you must remove your hitch from the receiver. Most don’t but they should.

Not a problem, the hitch is only supposed to be installed when there is a trailer attached.

After shredding Izzo last week, they really don't want to even focus on the fact that MSU is still in the tourney 

Yeah because Tom Izzo and the players totally knew what was going on within the women’s gymnastics program and just ignored it.

And Michigan State certainly deserves credit

I regret I have but one star to give

So is this your Blair Witch soul typing that out?

I’m running low on funds till payday next week. Is it cool if I send your family thoughts & prayers instead?

Thoughts and prayers are the best we can do, sorry.

New Zealander here and long time Gawker reader.This is an absolute gut-punch. The TV is saying up to 27 people shot. This stuff just doesn’t happen here. The whole country is in shock, the prime minister just spoke, she looked like a ghost. I hope this doesn’t end our innocence as a society. I hope those in a position

Don’t you think he looks tired? :D

Cheering on an administration and republican leadership (along with members of democratic leadership) who celebrate demonizing minorities and women, shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at migrants, and fucking over the poor and working class every chance they can get is not a “disagreement.” It is literally a

This, then, is the natural outgrowth and endpoint of “I HAVE A RIGHT TO MY OPINION.”

I’ve been teaching Rhet/Comp (academic argument) for near on fifteen years now.

When I started, my Division Chair bade me hold my students’ feet to the fire, demanding of them the best of research, evidence, and rhetorical balance.


I disagree with your assessment of California. Their are Democrats and then their are Justice Democrats and they are FAR to the left of the centrist Democrats. This is still a 2 party race here in CA, it just doesn’t really involve the GOP. Just look at the senate race, Feinstein was pushed a little by De Leon (who is