Lord Coders the Forever Grey

As a convicted felon who waited since 1984 to finally vote, WOOHOO!

My favorite dog book is “The Art of Racing in The Rain” by Garth Stein. Starts out a little sad but gets infinitely better. The dog in this book is very intelligent and good natured. You might think from the beginning how it’s going to end - but you’ll never see it coming.

The very first thing I thought of when I saw this. Enzo, is that you? The scene where Enzo gets strapped in to the Porsche and goes for a track day was great. The whole book was great. Just don’t read it on a plane. I got to the ending and the damn air quality in the plane got all dusty and made my eyes water.

Ever read “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein? Excellent novel about racing. And dogs. And dogs racing. Told from the perspective of the dog.

Just wanted to extend my thanks to everyone that encouraged me to try traveling alone a few SNSes ago! It gave me to the courage I needed and I’m currently planning a trip to England for November! My mom’s coming along for part of it as once she heard I was going she requested to come along and I didn’t have the

Sad news on Zoe this week. The internist found inoperable tumors in her spleen and around the liver and into her chest. The in house oncologist recommended against chemo. I’m taking her to another oncologist on Tuesday for a second opinion and because I was busy ugly crying to ask questions.

Those birds never expected the Spanish Indyquisition.

One could!

Don’t pity him. He doesn’t deserve it.

I don’t think he’s evil, I honestly think he’s just kind of dumb. A vast swath of people praised all of his idiotic rambling so he just keeps at it, upping the ante every time until eventually he says shit that he never thought he would, just to feel like people care about him. Honestly I am starting to pity him more

That doesn’t explain the police response. The black bloc kids didn’t make them cut a line down the street and just detain everyone. This appears to be exactly what it sounds like. A higher up gave an order to make a point.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

To paraphrase a 19th century political slogan, “protest early, protest often!”

He also voted for Trump and is angry that we won’t give him a chance.

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

This car is belong to us!

That’s awesome! We had 1100 or so registered in Kalamazoo, but I think a lot of people went to Lansing because it’s so close (plus, it was only registered as a sister march on Tuesday, so there were only 4 days of organization - it started out at 29 people).

We had several hundred in Midland. While this seems small, this town is so republican it is Drumphf central here. At least our voices are heard.