Dac Hexameter

This article was absolutely dreadful.

As usual, the takeaway is that Jezebel badly needs a science writer, even if it's more profitable to politicize studies than to understand them.

Women get massively reduced (minimum 50%, average ~80%) sentences for the exact same crimes as their male counterparts.

It is intentionally and deliberately unfair and built on the sexist assumption that women are weak and can't handle being held responsible for their actions. It is is every bit as patriarchal and

Somewhere on the internet, there is just another blog devoted to the feminine charms of certain SI swimsuit/Victoria Secrets models and the more or less appopriate comments regarding certain bodyparts (something about motorboting) just WAITING to get picked up by Jezebel for yet another post about yet another example

Way to make me stick up for someone I don't even like, but, you guys can really try using the simple rule of gender reversal and think before you post about whether you would ever objectify a woman or any other human being this way.

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

given how you wrote about the GPS proposal guy i'm kind of surprised this wasn't:

Bingo. Pretty much exactly what I wrote.

They're Steinbeck by the standards of the genre. Smart writing, smart characters, believable tech [i.e. no invisible cars] and excellent actors.

The Bourne franchise: Masters degree from Stanford

I assume that's the point. Firstly, he doesn't have to spend time with her. Secondly, whenever she complains about him not doing anything for her, he can say: "How about that time I spent 18 months of my life not missing you panning for gold to make your wedding ring?!

I was told by a good friend in the ad biz that the Viagra ads were marketed to men and the Cialis ads were marketed to women.

Careful with that joke, it's an antique!

You're only familiar with one sort of British accent. There are others which make everything sound like you're strangling a Sumatran tiger. [Don't strangle a Sumatran tiger. There are hardly any of them left.]

Brilliant. South Park is so great.

You've missed the whole point of sleeping with married women: She's already married so you can't get tied down by anything.

She doesn't have to tell you that you're the backup. And don't bring your feelings in to it, dude. This is about her needs. Your feelings, should you have any, don't enter into it.

Dude, you should not be doing this. You're reading Jezebel, so, you know, enter at own risk and all that. Besides, what response are you hoping for? 'Cause I'm pretty sure what you'll get has something to do with "male tears" and a several dozen misandry gifs.