Dac Hexameter

I knew I was way out of the mainstream when it comes to music and this really confirms it. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Japanese Popstars. [That's a group, not a genre. And they're from Northern Ireland, not Japan.] Seems like the only popular group I listen to is Daft Punk, but I started listening to them

I didn't see Sleater-Kinney in the top 10 of US women either. Should US women also step up their game? Or not so much?

I'm a guy who doesn't do online dating, but I asked four of my male friends what they think of dating sites that only allow women to contact men. They love it. Forces women to do all the work and they just sit back and wait. Ideal, really.

I was told (repeatedly) that men don't like it if you ask them out or make the first step, online or in real life.

I don't do online dating so I sent this to four friends of mine, all of us male, to see what they thought.

They were sculpted by long hours, hard work and possibly supplements. He spends time in the gym.

Why would you care about being in your girlfriend's fantasies? I'm in great shape — not quite as good as those guys in the trailer, but not far off — but I'm sure my girlfriend fantasizes about other men, especially guys like Channing Tatum. Seems sort of pitiful to fantasize about your boyfriend. I rarely fantasize

My friends and I are sending our girlfriends or wives to this on the opening weekend so we can finally have our round robin basketball tournament. We told them we'll buy them each a ticket and give them an extra $100 to spend at a strip club [or anywhere else] and in return, we don't see them again until Sunday at

Rick was never becoming a monster, he was becoming an ass-kicker.

Violence against women is deplorable, I think all reasonable people can agree with that. But violence against men? Jezebel says it's empowering and sexy. If you've got a problem with that, you're probably a sexist. Maybe worse.

Yeah, the video was empowering to women, but don't you think it would have been even more empowering if they'd actually showed more of the violence, instead of just the aftermath and evidence of it. Sure, showing men broken and bleeding is all well and good, but if that's sexy and empowering, wouldn't it be even more

But the genders are NOT reversed. That's the important thing. Jezebel wants you to know that not only is it okay to approve of violence against men, it's okay to be sexually excited by it. Not just okay, actually, but it's awesome. And empowering. It may not be your cup of tea, but plenty of Jezzies love it. [Just

I probably wouldn't want to be corralled into a dimly lit room with handsy, desperate guys each trying out their best lines on me. That sounds like the seventh level of hell.

This is just lame slut-shaming. So Leonardo DiCaprio likes to bang many, many models? What's the problem?

In light of the series of rape allegations against Bill Cosby, a person or persons wrote the word "RAPIST" all over his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

One particular case? The whole story is framed around that case. If Rolling Stone wanted to write a story about campus mishandling of rape, that's fine. Other places have written that story without taking part in the crafting of an elaborate hoax that tarred innocent members of the community with one of the worst

I'm sorry, Karyn, but when you write that the message of the story is that UVA and other schools don't handle rape allegations properly, you demonstrate everything I wrote about. It may well be true UVA and other schools mishandle rape allegations. I don't know enough about UVA to say one way or the other, but

I did not attend UVA and have no opinion about the school. I am pretty sure, however, that is isn't possible to mishandle a rape that never occurred.

The message of the article, like it or not, is now that people rushed to judgment and denounced anyone asking very obvious questions about this non-rape. The message is that McCarthyite smear tactics were used to attack people who turned out to be correct. Instead of continuing to rely on a story that turned out to be