
I’m not saying there won’t be people wearing Hernandez jerseys because there will probably be a few. But I’m betting they’ll be outnumbered by people wearing Riley Cooper jerseys.

His column is fucking mindroasting:

You’re talking to someone who expects a 6 year old phone battery to operate like new and expects their friends to just buy them a phone.

Wow. Really? You thought your friends would buy you a phone?

To be fair, he only joined the crime ring very recently after it started doing well.

Police apprehended not just these two, but an entire crime ring as well. In all, a total of eleven men and women were arrested. That said, police are on the lookout for an unknown, unnamed 12th man.

Why don’t the Hawks try to turn their season around and sign this dude? He’d start for them immediately and he only fell on defense once.

Counterpoint: My parents never asked me about my day. I promise you, that is far far worse.

Never stopped Strong Bad.

“- Safety - If you read travel blogs, most crimes that happen to tourists are crimes of theft, usually in the form of pickpockets, who are criminals of opportunity. If you look like a tourist, you will more likely be targeted, than if you look like someone on business. A good sports coat, helps one blend in,

No way! I use it on Grindr. What are the odds?

Your brother needs to learn about birthday etiquette. Once you’re in your thirties, the only way to treat a birthday is with a groan and a droll comment about mortality.

Forget IT. The Celtics should play a 7 minute long Billy King video tribute during every single home game.

Nothing like getting served, pestered by Sherrifs & taken to court over a Will that myself and my sisters are not only 100% excluded from but do not even have any interest in contesting in the first place.

He is doing a great thing for the community, how dare you try to bad mouth him donating his own money to help people


1. Buy this, park it in the woods with the top off for the next 40 years.

Where is this going to go besides cars and coffee? Come on.

No, just no. Not on any road with regular public traffic being driven by regular people who are not trained for, or expecting someone in a 911 driving 140 MPH. Not on roads designed for 70 MPH. Just no. Not as long as my children are driving on the same public roads you.

Is this really needed? not to act like this isnt needed or sound like an ass, but if you are in any crypto you should know how to get out, otherwise you shouldnt even be in it in the first place.