
Exhibit A: Diversity only when we like all the diverse people.

Because calls for diversity do not include, in fact, they seek to exclude, casting non-white actors in non-heroic roles.

Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Helen Mirren, Kate Winslet, Holly Hunter, Susan Sarandon and Charlize Theron all have Best Actress and they’ve been nekkid plenty. Laura Dern, Anne Hathaway, Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Connelly, Rachel Weisz, and Angelina Jolie all have Supporting Actress wins.

If she’s good, she’ll win

I wish every major city would broadcast a flushing noise from its highest building whenever an unvaccinated person dies. Fuck empathy.

Good news. He’s not. And you don’t matter to him anyway.

I’ve never understood why these books, and Riordan himself, aren’t given more love by the Internet. You want representation? They give you that.

C’mon, don’t you want to know how the red man got red?

I can’t believe we are still doing this live action bullshit. 

I’m still here for the Haydenassiance

I actually think I’m more freaked by Rachel Bilson being 40 than for Hader being 43. And that sent me down a rabbit hole.

Hayden Christensen is 40!
Ewan McGregor is 50!!! And he’s older than both Jonny Lee Miller and Kevin McKidd? (49 and 48)


You’re cleared. Hell, the pictures Jez used here makes them look like at least 12 year apart.

I was just thinking the other day, though. There were three major “Wait, how far apart are they?” couples from the 90s/early 00s that seemed to occur right around the same time.

Warren Beatty-Annette Benning (19 years)

Is this based on the trailer? Because that does look like bad CGI and not whitewashing.

Pierce Brosnan needs to fire the agent that has navigated his career since “The Matador.”

Or if he already has, kill that guy.

Editor at Slate: “Damn it! I told you people to get that 5,000-word outrage piece on “Fa Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra” ready just in case it was needed! Where is it???”

Well now I do, just to prove you are a simpleton.

He also said he envisioned this Fisk as having to rebuild post Snap and that’s why he behaves differently.

Did anyone ever ask what he wouldn’t do for love? Was it pegging?

Kaga again or we riot

Counterpoint: No, I fucking don’t.