
Because the new trilogy sucked Bantha balls?

So much for the AndrewGarfieldassaince.

Oh fucking unclench

Hot take: I loved watching him fuck fools up. My favorite was dropping a bullet on someone’s head and saying, “Next one’s faster”

The Internet was a mistake, Part 130

Preach. I just wish they’d have left this alone.

In the first season, they tried a few, “OK, NOW we know how to get you home,” things and it was always like Banner being cured of the Hulk in the Bixby-Ferringo show or the early Voyager episodes where they had ideas how to get home. It got old

My case:

* After the dour Batman Returns, we needed a break from Burton, who was starting to head into “Stephen King while drinking” territory
* Until Christian Bale, Kilmer was the best “Bruce Wayne” actor. The fact that he’s such a pain in the ass shouldn’t change that. (Also: Norton is a better Banner than Ruffalo,

Batman Forever was good. Fuck you.

Hot take: They fucking deserved what Anakin gave them.

So we’re done with the whole, “Oh, poor Garfield had to lie to us,” routine? I’m glad to hear he hates the media as much as I do

Did that comment help you come?

Spoiler alert: No one gave a fuck what you thought

Bale is the best Bruce Wayne ever.

You know what you rarely hear? Downey, Evans, Ruffalo, Renner and Hemsworth shittalking the Avengers movies. ScarJo clearly wanted the bastards to pay dat woman her money, but she never talks about bad filming experiences.

Is this a Dursley defense? Because fuck the fat-ass Dursleys. Assholes. 

Boy did you not read the room

Really had Barsanti in the pool

What legal reprecussions??? Shut the fuck up. You are out of your depth.

Oh goody, Jason Issacs playing an asshole again... 

Also, can we do something about the fact that the second male lead’s family is named after Weasels?

So, we have Arthur, which means Bear, which can be a burly gay man, which can in turn mean Bear Fucks Weasel, which means he’s fucking his own kids.

Molly means bitter, so she’s bitter about her Bear Husband fucking his