
Did anyone ever notice that she has a character named Nymphadora, which can be translated to “Adorable Sex Addict” and then gave her the last name of Tonks, which is an Australian slang word for an effeminate man?

And then they married her off to the actual character many who look for such things hung their hopes on

Read some of early James Rhodes stuff. It’s fairly cringey.

Counterpoint: Shacklebolt is a fucking bad ass last name. And that guy becomes Minister for Magic.

The Seamus blowing up stuff is entirely a movie invention. In the book, he accidentally sets fire to a feather he’s supposed to be levitating and Harry puts it out with a stream of water.

So, he’s not exactly IRA material.

The piling on is becoming unseemly. 

I don’t know, but I hope they keep the backstory of him being a Russian noble who is over 100 years old. Make it a period piece.

Shhhhh. You’ll confuse them

My middle turned 10 today. (Most of the excitement was on Dec. 30, but she’s techinically a NYE baby)

Since about Thanksgiving, she’s been calling herself 10.

 Betty White lived to 100. Fuck your calendar.

There is an alternate universe where Cage is the American Daniel Day-Lewis. He was THAT good in Leaving Las Vegas.

There’s a real Jack Sparrow vibe to how he got out. The Sparrow legend of how he escaped a lonely island with one bullet turned out to be that he managed to flag down a passing ship.

I’m fine with this, especially how it shows him barely alive, easy prey for the Jawas and Tuskens and still needing to recover after a

There’s always one

I’m vaccinated, masked, boosted and out of fucks. 

Has he worked since that show?

That all sounds legit, but my main thing is that they don’t have to honor every nook and cranny of the NetMCU.

I’m as big an MCU head as anyone, but I do think they need to look at 7-9 episodes instead of 6. 

It would provide me with a few laughs. That’s a good reason.

I hope they continue to lie their asses off.

I’m giving you an updated and more blue version of the thread we’ve got going at DenofGeek.

Feige needs to rip off the Band-Aid and just say, “Because I can.” As in:

“Look, kids. We are going to strip those Netflix and ABC shows for every useful part we can and ditch the rest. We aren’t going to honor every choice they

This fucking watch is going to be the Witness Protection of this show, isn’t it?

We literally just came off a movie where two of the major actors repeatedly lied through their fucking teeth about being in it and you’re still falling for this?