I was so torn between being so happy Isaiah Bradley got his moment to wondering what it would have been like if he is there and hears a voice that says, “Captain Bradley” and it’s Old Man Cap, who salutes him.
I was so torn between being so happy Isaiah Bradley got his moment to wondering what it would have been like if he is there and hears a voice that says, “Captain Bradley” and it’s Old Man Cap, who salutes him.
Really, they could have put one of a dozen people in that cameo and it would have been hysterical or moving:
* Old Man Cap, as you said, with either an amused or horrified look on his face
* Scott Lang, who is constantly telling people he was there and then Banner turns around and says, “No... you weren’t.”
* Hawkeye…
Yeah, the first movie in the MCU had Tony having sex with the skank reporter who sleeps with subjects. The very next one had Norton Banner refusing to go down on Betty just because he can’t get his own rocks off.
That’s kind of it until WandaVision when Wanda put the beds together.
D’Onofrio is an absolute powerhouse in this role, but physically, they got it right with Michael Clarke Duncan.
Oh look, the miserable fuck has another miserable fuck trying to stand in front of him.
I’ve been here for every episode and this miserable fuck has been nitpicking, whining and carrying on like the worst stereotype of every nerd ever. It’s tiresome.
Crap like this is why Feige needs to rip the Band-Aid off and say:
“We are going to use what we like from the Netflix and ABC worlds and shitcan the rest. We will change what we fucking like. We will bring characters back from the dead. We will use the same actors. We will ignore shit that didn’t work.
Some examples:
This is the perfect summation of this fucking hack
First weekend gone. It’s on you now
Spoiler alert: They always let it
Anyone that truly believes he’s dead needs to stop watching TV and try fingerpainting with their own poop
Fair question. Clearly, it’s got a tracker on it, so it was probably used to have Laura check in or be checked in on. As for why it wasn’t destroyed, my take is that Clint kept it for sentimental reasons (or, in the beginning, when no one realized what was up, kept it so she could find him if she came back) and had it…
Just read this glop of misery:
You have a problem with the watch being Laura’s when that was clearly telegraphed all along? For how she knew all about it instantly? And she asked about it right away? You aren’t very good at TV watching, are you?
And you don’t want a strong woman to get something nice, is that it? Are…
Basically, if Hulk is ever involved, even if he pulls 99 percent of his punch, people die.
The too much stuff thing pisses me off with Star Wars and it does here.
OK, you were asked to:
Watch a 30-50 minute show once a week, basically, from January to June and then a 25-minute show for nine weeks in late summer and now this.
See four movies, one of which you could watch at home and another which let you…
This is good. Another way to do it is make SHIELD have a Mockingbird program, just as the Soviets had the Black Widows.
I’ll agree that they kind of looked at the Ronin/guilt/PTSD stuff and realized they had bitten off too much with even trying that. And they don’t have the balls to have someone say, “OK, Thanos wasn’t right, but Ronin sure as fuck was” (You know that would be a fairly common sentiment)
Kingpin told them to get it. It’s not any more complicated than that. I mean, you can head-canon it if you want.
Laura infiltrated Kingpin’s organization and got out just before he identified her. He has been hunting for her. (Give or take some blipping) When he got word a Rolex with a SHIELD logo on the back was up…
Not. Everything. Has. To. Be. Tied. In. A. Bow.
This is just like when the Internet threw a fit because it wasn’t shown on screen that Sansa knew Ramsays dogs were hungry. Jesus, it’s humilaiting. I’m embarrassed for you and your family.
Which tracks because, while my knowledge of DD-Kingpin in the comics is not encyclopedic, I know that whenever Kingpin actually got ahold of DD or Spider-Man, he wiped the fucking floor with them.
Are you kidding? Laura has watched Clint go off on adventures with Natasha and allowed her youngest to be named after Clint’s female work friend and the brother of another female work friend.
No way she is threatened by a child. Plus, Hailee is a lovely young woman, but Linda Cardellini looks like she can teach you a…