Bond can be any color, any gender and any sexuality. But two things: One, Bond needs to be British.
More importantly, Bond needs to be fun. Stop with the tortured bullshit.
Bond can be any color, any gender and any sexuality. But two things: One, Bond needs to be British.
More importantly, Bond needs to be fun. Stop with the tortured bullshit.
Michael St. Gerard played him in the Jerry Lee Lewis biopic and the Quantum Leap episode where Sam leaped into Elvis. DOn’t remember much of his acting, but he looked just like him
“Warrant its existence”
Fuck all the way off.
This is pretty good stuff, although I guess I would suggest that Michelle Pfeiffer isn’t exactly looked at as a major thespian. I learned this second that she even had three nominations.
And the last one was in 1992. Love Field.
I wonder if Joan Allen (worked with Stone in Nixon) and Stone might be your choices.
OK, but I just checked. That was the year Daniel Day-Lewis won for Lincoln. The other three were Jackman for Les Mis, Denzel for Flight and Joaquin Phoenix for The Master.
None of them were beating DDL that year. So that is a case where a nomination was kind of an honor.
My guess is that Obi-Wan takes his whiny little boy to school sometime in the next two episodes.
One of the greatest moments in cinema history hinges on Obi-Wan futzing around with “A certain point of view.” Let’s not be too precious about canon.
I thought that was covered. That her Force abilities gave her the ability to view those images, and she didn’t realize they were from her as a newborn instead of a toddler.
OR... “Leia, don’t tell anyone”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
No one fucking cares what you fucking thought when it was announced. And a movie doesn’t have to justify its existence and whoever coined that phrase for film criticism should be fired into the sun, anus-first.
Really going to need Chris Evans’ Ransom character in a Hannibal Lecter type situation for this movie.
Meh, this one is pretty lame. Ambulance chasers.
Not too late for you to bail. We will try to get over it.
There’s another line that I wish people would remember. Return of the Jedi:
“Obi-Wan once thought as you do.”
That indicates Obi-Wan took another stab at reaching Anakin, and failed. That hasn’t happened yet.
Being too attached to headcanon is a problem. Seek help.
I will approach Morbius 2 the same way I approached Morbius.
Where does it say in canon that Leia and Obi-Wan have never met? You even said it’s “implied.”
If anything, this meeting closes the hole of Leia instantly running to Luke when he says, “I’m here with Ben Kenobi!”
Bail and Leia wouldn’t know that alias if she hadn’t heard it from him.
I think my posts have been memory-holed - I was looking for a thread on a What If because I wanted to use a post somewhere else. I think I may have been zapped.
If so, let me say, go fuck yourself, Barsanti, you fucking hack.
He will never write those books. You know why?
Because the TV show did exactly what he was going to do and he realized how stupid it was and now he’s fooked.
Pour one out for the scumbag sheriff’s deputy who won’t get laid now that he can’t show pictures of Bob Saget dead to pick up whatever skank would be interested in that.