
Legit think you could get Evans to voice an animated short version. Probably Tilda Swinton, Rene Russo and everyone else you’d need. 

For that matter, what is the official story? Because God knows they don’t just announce that time travel is now a thing.

My guess is they say Thanos was lying about destroying the stones (and that would have come out, because the first thing people would have asked was, “OK, can we find the stones and undo this?”) and

Best explanation is that Hulk said, “Return everyone safely”

Now, the definition of safe opens the old Return of Jafar joke. “The genie can’t kill you, but you’d be surprised what you can live through.”

So, people in mid-air would reappear at their destination, or their starting point, or on the nearest bit of ground

I can get on board with Yelena jumping at the chance to get who is responsible. Because there’s a flip side to what you say.

As you say, only one other person was there. Moreover, the only other characters we know for sure knows how the Soul Stone works - Natasha, Thanos and Gamora - are dead. (It’s unclear how much

Ignore that. That’s just a tired old “Clint is the least liked Avenger” bit of bullshit that most other writers long ago stopped relying on.

There’s a lot still to learn about that Black Widow post-credits scene.
1) How much hold does Val have over Yelena? Is it a purely contract-by-contract thing, or is Yelena on the hook for so many jobs, etc...
2) Because my first instincts are that Yelena is kind of over Val’s shit and if she still has the “choose to

Put a different way - no fucking jury is going to convict him.

We are going to be litigating that shit until the end of time. They are just holding on to the outrage at this point. Let them have it.

I think it was the 14th of Who Gives a Fuck and it was half past Get the Fuck Over It.

I think we covered all of this once. Bruce said to bring everyone back safe. So, if you were mid-air, you went to your starting or ending point, or the nearest spot on the ground below you.

The bigger beef is for people in the planes whose pilots got snapped and they went careening into the ocean or into a building

All Hail Sauron, it’s Siede.

I share the concerns about not really being able to land the plane here when it comes to Clint’s guilt/punishment. And I’m hoping that Echo’s issues with Clint don’t end with “Well, someone told him, so that’s who I SHOULD be mad at??

If I had to bet $2, I’d say Clint’s story ends in a way

The only way to win is not to play. 

Topher just seems like he’s got the boyish charm of Matt Damon, but without the action chops; the comic abilities of Ryan Reynolds, but without the classic good looks; and the better-than-you think dramatic ability of Jake Gyllenhaal without the ability to really get creepy.

A classic tweener. And probably someone

Catherine Zeta Jones in this movie is Goddess. That is her race, her ethnicity and her religion.

I have a few “Um... who dat?” moments from my 90s viewing:

* Cameron Diaz in “The Mask” doing the swing with Jim Carrey
* Catherine Zeta Jones in first trailer I saw of Mask of Zorro (the girl I was dating didn’t even mind,

Having said that, I’m still up for the Topherssaince. One obviously never knows for sure, but based on his interviews, he seems a good egg.

The article said Banderas was the first Hispanic actor to play Zorro, which he is. Regardless, in most versions of Zorro’s backstory, he’s either a Spanish nobleman in Spanish California or a first-generation Californian who is the son of a Spanish nobleman.

So, Zorro, by your lights, is a white guy. Can’t believe

Mask of Zorro is as close to perfect as an action movie gets. 

Oooh, let me melt some butter for you to have something to get that edge through.

You could make a very strong case that Topher Grace was heading into Michael J. Fox/Matthew Broderick territory before Spider-Man 3. That... changed things.

I think the MCU secret isn’t that there is a master plan. It’s that they’ve seeded the landscape so well, they can go several different ways every time and it looks like a great plan.