
That movie made $300+ million on like a $12 budget. If Mel had announced “Passion 2: The Passioner” and “Passion 3: The Passionest” filmed back to back, he’d have gotten $200 million to make it from a lot of guys who eat Chinese food on Christmas Day.

Congratulations, Matt. Your casually tossed-out line about Malina and the West Wing has now generated more comments than the actual subject of Mel Gibson.

You have successfully made this about yourself, rather than about anyone hurt or threatened by Gibson’s comments, or the debate about what was said, how long ago it

Because he wanted to and has the career clout to do it. Next dumb ass question?

“A reason for the production to exist”

I fucking hate it here.

Let me answer this for you. It exists because he WANTED it to exist and he got FUNDING for it to exist. Your job is to judge whether it is good or not, not pass judgement on its existential eligibility.

BIPOC’s can be Big Intense Pieces Of Cowshit too

That’s the one flashing red light on this show is how well they thread this needle. They are going to have to accomplish some kind of ending that

1) Gives Clint redempetion/closure - He doesn’t necessarily have to survive this process. A sense of peace while dying works.

To be fair, Stark’s self guilt trip only led to him working with the UN to form the Accords, leading to the breakup of the Avengers, leaving them vulnerable for Thanos.

There’s something to this, but remember, even Rhodey and Natasha, no stranger to death and war, were like, “This is fucked up” in Endgame.

There’s something to this, but remember, even Rhodey and Natasha, no stranger to death and war, were like, “This is fucked up” in Endgame.

Step 1: Brutally kill anyone who calls you “Fat Man” and make sure everyone in the underworld and law enforcement knows it.
Step 2: Name all your laundering operations “Fat Man”
Step 3: PROFIT!

If all this leads to a Rennersaince, I’ll be very happy. Time for him to come out of the penalty box.

You know how people almost burned the Internet down because they made the sixth-male lead in X-Men Days of Future Past into an erection joke?

Cast someone else as Kingpin and it’s 10 times worse.

Praise Travolta, it’s still Siede.

OK, I’ve asked this at Den of Geek, Sepinwall’s twitter and now here. Are we SURE that was Ronin who killed Maya’s dad? There’s another guy right there good with a sword too.

Now, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing, letting Clint off the hook like that, but I just throw it out there.


OK, her politics and religiousity were a bit problematic, but Lisa Werschel could fucking get it as Blair.

I was a simple guy in the 80s. When a girl slutted it up, I appreciated it.

Damn... Dixie Carter had game.

Oh Sauron save us, they let this guy write about politics.

YES! I started collecting Spidey in the mid-80s (the amazing Firelord two-parter) so my Peter Parker was already out of grad school and was hustling around on a freelance salary and dating.

It would be hysterical if Mephisto shows up and says, “OK, your Aunt May is dying, but I’ll save her, but only IF you marry MJ.”

I think the best comparison is to RDJ. Holland and Spider-Man are clearly supposed to be the centerpiece. My uninformed guess was that Holland, Boseman and Larson were supposed to be the RDJ, Evans and ScarJo going forward.

I personally think Brie Larson, if she wants it, still can be one of those decade-long MCU

Someone must have told him he’s a foot too short to play Bond.

Thank you for telling us what appeared to happen to that focaccia. Can’t remember the last time they were just like, “Yeah, we can’t safely eat that.”