
Those were impressive. But he could also play a guy with the weight of the world on him too. Awakenings. Final Cut. Garp. The man had as much range as DDL. I fucking said it.

All of the complaints can be boiled down to:
* People get mad when you insinuate a woman might be sad over not being able to get pregnant
* A woman who spends time around men will complain from time to time about how messy the men are.
* Quicksilver dies.

All the more reason it is confounding that Renner didn’t appear in Wandavision. I’m not saying they needed a “Save Wanda” scene, but the friendship between those characters and the easy chemistry between the actors - in at least one non MCU movie as well) would have worked.

The choices are easy:
* Wanda reaches out and

This is all amusing and everything, but you realize that she isn’t far away from the power to order her followers to drink Kool-Aid or to storm the Capitol because some Congressional staffer didn’t give her a Valentine in third grade.

God damn it, and I even apologized for that at the time. She really mines everything for materials doesn’t she?

Someone dig up Richard Harris and throw his decayed body parts at Michael Gambon. And then have Taylor write a song about him.

The boy pulls, I can tell you that. And there is no shame in losing your lady to Harry Styles.

She was wearing a t-shirt in the rain. I have no memory of what her teeth looked like.

I don’t know how extreme the pay disparity was, but I also don’t know the days on set she was required to be there compared to Maguire. I don’t know what, if any, physical training she had to do compared to Maguire. I don’t know if

A good corollary to this list would be a list of (male) comedians who have been labeled “surprisingly handsome” or “unlikely sex symbol.” 

Think of it as the Jim Carrey Rule. When he was hitting it big in the early 90s, every magazine profile on him included the line, “Surprisingly handsome/dashing” because when he lets

I’m convinced we will never fully appreciate just how fucking good Robin Williams was. And I think you did a good job appreciating it here.

Lethal Weapon is the only Gibson movie I won’t cancel. Though, to be fair, I haven’t seen Tequila Sunrise in ages.

I think your cynicism is accurate. They could just re-release that trailer with maybe one second added and that movie will still make $1b+

But what did she do with all the spoons?

El Camino was great and this article is invalid.

Thankfully, Taylor and I only went on one date and mutually agreed there wasn’t a lot of chemistry and we each paid for our own coffee and donut, so there are no vicious songs coming about me.

I think the etc... is what makes this the Ninth Symphony of Asshole.

Ooohhh.... you MIGHT be able to get through half-melted butter with that edge. 

Spoiler: There won’t be enough animus.

Celebrity Movie Archive was my friend.... I found it. I’m dead now.

I want to make a confession. It was not until WandaVision that I fully realized that Kathryn Hahn was an absolute smokeshow goddess. I have no excuses. I apologize sincerely. I ask for the grace of your forgivness and the chance to re-earn your trust.