
Skimmed, but THANK YOU for the last line.

Fuck Draco. Fuck Snape. Fuck the Slytherins. The only “good” Slytherin is a dead Slytherin. The entire line was founded because Salazar Slytherin wanted to exterminate an entire race and didn’t like it when the others told him he couldn’t.

If my kid got sorted into Slytherin,

He’s no Best Boy/Gaffer, but it’s pretty cool.

I don’t want to minimize the trauma of being almost shot, but it just looks and feels weird to have his lawsuit first out of the box instead of the family of the woman killed or the director who took an actual bullet. 

Has it ever been shown how much producing he was doing for his producer credit? I mean, Vince McMahon once got a producer credit for giving The Rock time off to make a movie.

If he was getting the credit because whatever is left of his name got thrown around to get funding - something those of you screaming for Debra

Ah well, the only lawsuit I’m interested in is from the widower. The ambulance-chasers looking to retire early hold no truck with me.

Ugh... to whoever assigns these things, please reconsider. Barsanti can’t even get through a recap of a 22-minute episode without fucking up four times. This is real world stuff.

Something that I think sometimes gets lost in the “Age appropriate” debate when it comes to casting.

Patrick Swayze did Dirty Dancing and Road House back to back. He was 37 in 1989, which is the year I graduated high school.

95 percent of the girls in my class would have thrown all of us into the Toy Story 3 incinerator

K I don’t make films… but if I did they’d have a samurai

Fuck, now that? I already have to fight the people who spell the opposite of win as “loose” and can’t distinguish between “roll” and “role”

They wanted Messing, but she couldn’t get out of her shifts at Olive Garden

I held off as long as I could. I believe you can get good things out of Christianity, or any religion, and ignore the bad stuff. I still kind of think that a lot of misguided souls can’t separate Pratt from the character who punched Thanos.

Opening scene of Dr. Strange 2:

Strange: “So, no sign of them?”
Wong: “No, Shuri and that Star-Lord clown have disappeared”
Ikaris (from the sun): “They were jackholes”
Bad Dr. Strange disembodied voice: “Good Riddance”
Frozen Celestial Via Telepathy: “Losers”

Strange: “All right. What’s next?”

I caught this show when it was done to Anne Hathwaway, John Krasinski and am still halfway through the Pratt one. I’m going to skip this season of “The fuck is the Internet whining about today” and catch next season’s attacks on Pierce Brosnan.

We didn’t have long enough with him.

No one missed what you were attempting to do. It was obvious what you were attempting to do. Astronauts can see what you were attempting to do from space. You failed at it, and since we’re in name-calling now. You failed at it, you flailing hack.

Comparing Blair Witch to Clifford? It’s fine to be scared of Blair Witch. It’s not fine to be scared of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. That’s what you’re saying.

You had an idea. You went with the idea. I respect going with an idea. But it was a bad idea.

I don’t know if you know what parents worry about actually happening, but 20-foot dogs are not high on the list. You seem to think that’s a big concern, based on the 1,087,421 times you mentioned it in the review.

Enjoyed the movie. Action had stakes and emotion. Fuck you

Fuck Snape. He’s a wretched assclown who would have been beaten to a pulp by any self-respecting parent at a real school for the way he treated children. He’s a stalker creep who throws around the Wizard equivalent of the N-word when a woman rejects him.

Oh, and fuck Draco too. In fact, fuck all the Slytherins. They

What’s the point of having fuck you money if you don’t say fuck you every once in a while?

Who actually takes bathroom breaks during movies? Being over the age of 7, I find I can handle my bladder and bowels enough to be able to manage a movie.