Opinions do not offend me. Laziness offends me.
Opinions do not offend me. Laziness offends me.
Sure, but they don’t matter.
For about the last decade, give or take a few years, we’ve had more ways to entertain ourselves than at any other time in history.
* If you have just two of the main streaming services, you almost have enough to watch to let you sit in front of a screen for 2-3 hours a night for the rest of…
Yes, but when JFK Jr. comes back, it’s entirely possible he’ll be cast as Wonder Man, so we’ve got that happening.
Yes, because cinemas have tons of money to throw around after being mostly closed for 18 months...
At this point, the MCU is a multi-billion property that is essentially keeping theaters across the country from closing. Decisions the MCU makes on whether to put a movie on streaming or in theaters rocks the industry. It is being asked to handle diversity issues that the DCCU never seems to get asked and Sony and Fox…
Here’s the thing, and critics never ever seem to get this.
The MCU is a TV show with episodes that come out every six months or so instead of every week.
Think of Star Trek: TNG/DS9. Different episodes featured different characters and there’d be a few “big” events around sweeps or season finales.
Yes. It’s possible. Next question.
Based on that picture... maybe he’s full
Someone take the fucking parentheses away from this jagoff.
Shhhhh, they are engaged in their favorite sport - pretending that the Game of Thrones producers are the cause of all evil while ignoring that George R.R. Martin is a sick perverted old fuck himself.
I’m glad Alfie was a good egg. Because just before the scene where he meets Yara, Theon really has an uncomfortable scene with the captain’s daughter.
Fuck it. I’m in.
Meanwhile, Christoph Waltz, who should be in jail for what he did to Blofeld, slinks away after secretly disconnecting your Internet.
The chef’s kiss is the “Did he learn nothing!!!!!”
No, you fucking pathetic hack who should be arrested for theft of whatever meager lucre this hellsite is paying you, he didn’t “learn” from a bunch of gooberdicks. You. Do. Not. Matter.
I think it really kind of bugs them that Chris Pratt has never once acknowledged them. Not once.
I’ve hesitated saying this because I did not want to assume the worst about people. But I can no longer keep quiet with the nagging suspicion I have.
This should have been our first indication that something was very wrong with these fans. None of them really deserve nice things.
“Tatooine is now mine!”
“Bob, who’s that?”
“Another guy taking over.”
“Third one this week.”
“Yeah, you catch the pod race last night...?”
<nasal voice> ACTUALLY... Vader ordered Han frozen. Boba was like, “He’s going to live, right?”
Boba was a mercenary. If Han had paid Jabba off or gotten Jabba to forgive the debt and lift the bounty, Boba moves on to something else.