I felt like I was drowning, which was weird. But then I realized I had been looking at Crystelle’s eyes too long. What a goddess
I felt like I was drowning, which was weird. But then I realized I had been looking at Crystelle’s eyes too long. What a goddess
Congrats to all of the new fans Ice Cube will now have. I hope he enjoys his spot at the RNC convention in 2024.
You know how a lot of critics - including someone whose names rhymes with HEY HEY CROWD - bemoan the loss of small and independent films because MCU/Sony/WB/Amazon have taken over everything?
Sometimes, it’s OK to spend money on making a movie.
You could POSSIBLY get through semi-melted butter with that edge.
Iron Man 2 is better than Iron Man 3. I said it.
I discovered this place when someone made a joking post about the Very Special Family Ties episode where Alex cracks up and sees a therapist. I was like, “It’s not just me.”
Now I’m like, “Thank God it’s them and not me.”
Anti-semitism solved! High-fives!
Ok everyone, shut it all down.
No one with a brain or a soul believes that Baldwin intended to kill anyone.
But I do have to wonder about the corners that were cut to make this film, in which he is listed as a producer. Using non-union labor? Not using safer, but more expensive options?
Negligence isn’t just about whose finger was on the trigger.
If your response right now is anything but, “That sucks. I want to know more about this before commenting further” then the world would have been better off with you and that poor woman switching places.
The Internet was a mistake
OK, I like the MCU movies, but they aren’t Shakespeare. Is she just not bright?
Whatever double-sided tape was holding her dress to her chest should be up for a special effects Oscar.
Lashana Lynch did NOT make as big an impression. She started to, but then she got bogged down in, “Whose number is who?” and became tiresome.
Go away, dude. You ruined a franchise.
Twink makes Twinkies
Team Topher. Hardy is not my Venom. I said it. Come at me.
Kurtwood Smith is a national treasure. In whichever multiverse where Nick Fury is a white guy, he’s the one.
Hugh in this movie, Daniel Day-Lewis in Last of the Mohicans and Matt Bomer in general are my 3 “Not gay, but if I were...”
This was Jackman’s Bond audition and he walked away from it. That should have been him.
Anyway, I have often pondered Kate after the movie. At what point do you think she is like, “Oh, I’ve made a huge mistake.” Was it:
* Vomiting and diarrhea for three weeks straight because she is now eating pre-FDA meals
* Learning…
The positives for Brosnan:
* Three of his four movies were fun and exciting. They weren’t ridiculous like late Connery or Moore. They weren’t dreary slogs like Craig’s.
* He found a fairly good middlepoint between Connery and Moore
* He may be the most classically handsome of the Bonds.
The negatives:
* Other than Lazenby,…
The biggest weakness of the Brosnan films, other than Goldeneye, is the stunt casting of the female leads.
There is something to be said for casting actresses with a little experience and power over their own careers, as opposed to the parade of beauty queens with no talent and who had to be overdubbed that Connery…