Honest to God, you can just fast-forward through any of Denise Richards’ scenes and still have a great movie.
The scene where Bond shoots Elektra is top 5 for the entire franchise.
Honest to God, you can just fast-forward through any of Denise Richards’ scenes and still have a great movie.
The scene where Bond shoots Elektra is top 5 for the entire franchise.
Unlike Boseman, she can be replaced
Progress, I guess. You didn’t whine and moan about Boseman even though that disrupted your own personal closure.
Season Grade for the Reviewer - F, and get out of our classroom.
Live and Let Die is begging for a remake. The drug plot especially, in light of Breaking Bad, Narcos and Ozark, could be an interesting take.
Just don’t do the redneck sheriff. Or the virgin losing her powers after getting fucked. Or the bad guy BLOWING UP!!!!
Here’s my way of putting it. My favorite Bond movie overall is From Russia With Love. But if someone asked me to give them only one Bond movie to capture the series, I’d say Goldfinger.
Unless that person told me they just weren’t up for watching a 60s movie (or they’d heard about the forced kissing scene and was…
It should have been a fireable and perhaps jailable offense to so badly screw up getting to use SPECTRE and Blofeld for the first time in 45 years.
Here’s the other trouble. Lea Seydoux is a lovely and talented actress. But if you gave me the choice of watching Craig and Seydoux have actual sex in front of me and…
I said overrated, not bad. It was rated like it was the greatest Bond movie ever and one of the greatest movies ever. That’s not the case
Bond isn’t Bourne. They need to repeat that to themselves as often as possible.
Not only should the places be nice and the people pretty, but there really doesn’t need to be all that much connecting tissue from one movie to the next. And for the love of Blofeld’s cat, no one gives a fuck about Bond’s backstory.
At some…
I’m with you on Licence to Kill. One change probably saves it.
Don’t make Bond go rogue. Keep the Leiter plot (yes, a fairly nasty fridging is involved); Keep the drug story. Keep the setting.
But it shouldn’t take terribly long for anyone to come up with a reason MI6 would be interested in taking out a South American…
Skyfall is falling down the charts. Try watching it a second time. It doesn’t hold up at all.
What do most of these movies have in common? They fucking suck.
From Russia With Love is the exception. That is actually one of the best Bond movies ever and it is the one they always name-check when they say, “We’ve gotten too far away from the spirit of Bond.”
Live and Let Die? Embarrassingly bad.
Man with the Golden…
No. You’re wrong. And you’re ugly too.
Sony needs all the help it can get.
You goobers were just so precious, thinking this wouldn’t be settled by a big fat check.
The lesson. Fans ruin everything. Fuck fans.
It wasn’t lazy. They had to work VERY hard to be that stupid.
1) Suck it up, dude.
2) Maybe if you hadn’t passive-aggressively half-assed the Venom stuff to prove a point, you’d have made a better movie
3) Dr. Strange 2 looks like a can’t-miss.
So don’t fucking miss.
Have a nice day.
Yeah, you can’t let them get all uppity like that. Next thing you know, they’ll be drinking from your water fountains