Time for her to produce the receipts if she has them. Otherwise, she needs to produce the checkbook.
Time for her to produce the receipts if she has them. Otherwise, she needs to produce the checkbook.
Den of Geek. Or any other site, really.
Seriously, Den of Geek. Kirsten has the reviews up by like 7 a.m. CST too.
Anyone that wants to read a far superior reviewer should go to Den of Geek and read Kirsten Howard.
I’m out. Life is too short for Barsanti.
Then you can have a beer at my house any time.
Seriously, that movie is Home Alone in Scotland.
Also, I grow so fucking weary of Ms who have to do stuff. I get it. You have Judi Dench. You have Ralph Fiennes. But there’s a reason Mike Myers called him Basil Exposition.
Yeah, I don’t fucking care what he thinks. Not my Q.
They need to do the exact opposite. Make it a period piece. Take it back to Mad Men era. Cold War. Final death throes of the British empire.
Couple of random observations:
* I feel like Connery would have been shot like 17 times before he got his gun pointed in the right direction
* God, I blocked out the stupid “bullet flying to the eye” from Die Another Day. One more crime that movie committed.
* Having said that, Brosnan may have had the coolest spin and…
You had barely heard of USC???? Are you fucking stupid?
She should have married Evans. The fuck is a Ben Shattuck?
Meh, I wasn’t as tired as my wife. But I didn’t have my belly ripped open and a being dragged out either. Plus, when my pathetically short paternity leave was over, she told me to go back to sleep so I could go to work.
My experience is that mothers are very nice and gracious about it when the babies are babies. It’s…
I wanted them to bone right after he whooshed the hammer by her head in Endgame. Then again, Hemsworth and Larson are two of the prettiest people on the planet.
True. We don’t know where Thanos got the Mind Stone to give Loki in the first place. Maybe Ultron got to it first in whatever timeline.
Well, fuck, now I want this more than anything
I really want time travel to be invented so I can go back and slap the fuck out of whoever decided essential/inessential and necessary/unnecessary were good adjectives for pop culture.
Or it was watched while doing 100 other things.
Seriously. Kirsten over at Den of Geek has her reviews up when I wake up on Wednesday mornings and they are better put together.
I loved that Darcy wasn’t like, “Fuck me, I married a duck,” but more like, “Not now, husband duck!”
You know, this one bothers me more the more I look at it.
Thor was sleeping in a different place when Jane woke up. Sure, it’s a fair assumption they had sex, but it is also just as likely they didn’t and he was respectful of a drunken Midgardian woman.
But Barsanti wanted to keep the frat boy thing going, so it was,…
No idea how this works, but I wonder if they recorded this while they were all in the same spot for Thor 4.
From who? The flies that live in your head?