To be fair, what the fuck else is Leslie Bibb doing?
Even if you just try to define “leads” more narrowly, you have McAdams, Lilly, Portman, and Atwell, all the female leads in their respective movies, coming back.
To be fair, what the fuck else is Leslie Bibb doing?
Even if you just try to define “leads” more narrowly, you have McAdams, Lilly, Portman, and Atwell, all the female leads in their respective movies, coming back.
Since they dithered around and missed out on the Bender of Fass, just give it to Richard Madden.
It’s the AV Club, just go with it
Can’t believe we’ve all gotten this far without talking about my new best friend, Happy Clancy Brown.
There’s also the issue of distinct voices. Natalie Portman, Rachel McAdams, Jaime Alexander and Emily VanCamp are all great actors and lovely women, but their voices aren’t exactly distinctive.
Kat Dennings, Angela Bassett, Evangeline Lilly (to an extent) and Tilda Swinton have more recognizable voices.
Some of the…
One flaw, Loki has been kind of retconned to wanting world dominance because Thanos made him want that. So... entirely possible Thanos tries to use Ultron instead, but that backfires on him when Ultron turns the tables.
I’m really just here each week to talk to the other commenters. I just hope next season, AV Club gets a different reviewer.
Speaking of which, they couldn’t have thrown a few bucks at Bradley Cooper to do a couple of lines there?
Well, you either have a third episode of Hank being the direct or indirect cause of the bad or another episode of Tony getting offed.
Part of me would love it if Ultron is on Vormir and just waiting for Hawkeye to surface from that pool thingy and be like, “Thank you, human. I will take that now.”
And Red Skull is…
Samuel L. Jackson coming back for one line , to call him “Spicoli” made the episode an A- alone.
Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going on with Bautista.
With Paltrow, ScarJo, Evans, and Downey, Disney doesn’t have any future projects planned with them (that we know of). Evans and Downey seemed to have real finality to their roles and ScarJo did too AND she’s suing Disney. Paltrow? Well, who knows what’s stuck up her…
Rene Russo was by far the bigger loss than Brie Larson in this case.
Having said that, I do wish Rene Russo would have come back for this one.
Natalie Portman, Evangeline Lilly, Angela Bassett, and Tilda Swinton’s are no one’s idea of shrinking violets who put up with any shit, and they all came back, but you know...
Tune in next week when he’s surprised all over again at Boseman being back even though Cha-Cha Star Lord is in the midseason trailer.
Laserface isn’t here yet, but LF and I together seem to have a pretty encyclopedic knowledge of the What Ifs (at least Vols 1 & 2) and I can say that I’m not sure your memories are correct.
There are a few that do what you describe - the ones with the Wolverine/Storm/Colosssus X-Men dying on their first mission or…
Did Ultron sacrifice his “father” to get the Soul Stone?
All right, who had Barsanti giving a bad review to a fun episode after whining the day before about how the episodes were too dark?
Oh, everyone did. That’s right.
“Why, it’s almost like the show has been quietly setting up some kind of arc for its narrator, but would could have possibly seen that coming?!”
Would could…
Team Seth
Has anyone ever wrung more fame out of sucking off a married man in a workplace?