
So go fucking watch Blue’s Clues. Seriously.

Episode 3: Ends on a hopeful note
Episode 4: Complete Nihlism
Episode 5: ZOMBIES!!!!!
Episode 6: Ends on a hopeful note

I mean, if you can’t have fun with cartoon zombies, then I’m not sure your mom should let you watch TV

It’s about fucking time people remember just how damn good at this he was. You know, before he gets canceled by children who couldn’t dream of approaching his talent.

You say it so much it’s almost like you think you can speak it into existence.

You really can’t. But good on you for trying.

“Ugh, it’s too fan-servicey”
“We want fan-service”
“Not like that”
“Ugh, too fan-servicey”

Anyway, early reporting on the next episode is that it is fun and light and Barsanti will probably be upset it isn’t deep enough. 

Do not bring that What If vol. 2 17 in my house. That is, hands-down, the worst comic I have ever paid money for.

It took one of the most beautiful, haunting and devastating stories - Kraven’s Last Hunt - and just bent it over and fucked it without lube.

First, the art was absolutely childish. Like a second-grader won

Well, that’s a fucking take.

Counterpoint: What If they lost Atlantis Attacks? What if they lost Inferno? What if Phoenix hadn’t died?

I also long ago decided that the MCU - for better or worse - was ahead of me when it came to threading it all together. The Red Skull thing sealed it.

I don’t think it’s so much as a grand master plan as a very

1) The original What Ifs usually had a heavy dose of this kind of thing. The What If the Atlantis Attacks was one of the worst. Although it made me ask, “Who the fuck is Aquarian?”

2) It really seems to me that the collective, “Oh noes, the What If is sad!” is a response to the Zombies episode. At least that’s when it

He also played Bob Cratchit in the very best adaptation of A Christmas Carol - the TNT Patrick Stewart version. I will not entertain other nominations at this time.

There is one scene that never fails to crack me up. The charity guys, new to the area, call on Scrooge and as soon as Cratchit realizes who they are, he

And the worst thing to ever happen to the Bond franchise was the impulse to stray from the Bond formula.

Cubby Broccoli used to call John Glen or Lewis Gilbert and say, “Hey, dipshit, when you get done mowing my lawn, go make a Bond movie.”

That was the “directorial style” the Bond films had.

Then all of a sudden, they

This is certainly not a new thought, but the MCU is the flip side of the “TV is the new movies” rage that went around during Peak TV.

Story wise, the MCU is much more like a very good season of the Next Generation or DS9 except there are months between episodes instead of days.

One movie/episode will feature Iron

Literally no one else remembers this. You are about 190 outrage boners behind. Keep up with the rest of us as we fap.

Fair. I should have said, “They aren’t giving it permanently to an anti-vaxx kook...”

Except... he sucked.

They aren’t giving it to an anti-vaxxing kook who made a sketchy comment about rape victims.

The tweet was in 2014. I don’t know what the sentence in the stocks in the public square should be, but it feels like nearly eight years is just about enough.

Seems like there are a lot of misspelled words in the last part. It should read:

“We’re giving Jennings every chance to show how natural he is at this job so when everyone gets done stroking their outrage boners over a long-ago tweet, we will just give it to him outright.”

I turned 18 in 1989 and I dated a high school senior while a sophomore in college. In fact, I was her date to senior prom, which made me really feel like a jackass.

Until I got there and two other guys from my high school graduating class were there.

All fair and I’m not going to try to return serve on the colonial history.

I’m looking at the policies of non-intervention and how consistent they’ve been through the centuries. Maybe Azzuri, T’Challa’s grandfather, who would have been king and Black Panther in the 60s and 70s, saw too many Wakandans leave to try to

Unearned is doing a lot of work there and probably isn’t the best one, but celebrating Killmonger’s hard work is steering a little too close to, “Well, Hitler had a great plan to invade Poland” or “it sure was brave of the 9/11 hijackers to fly the planes into buildings”