
See, I think phoenetically, it’s actually “boryd” but we won’t quibble.

Rourke was in the midst of a career comeback after “The Wrestler” and the MCU struck while the iron was hot. He’s done a lot of direct-to-DVD since then.

The MCU really doesn’t seem to be going for the “hot” names when casting now. 

Well, at least you were right about the universe thing collapsing... 

Marvel Mad Men (mid-60s version)

Peggy Carter, Dominic Cooper’s Howard Stark, Jarvis and Rosamund Pike as Maria Collins, the eventual Maria Stark.

(Although I have no clue how Dominic turns into John Slattery, I can easily see Rosamund turning into Hope Davis)

Young versions of Hank and Janet, Thunderbolt Ross, Nick

The death of Chadwick Boseman upended a lot of plans at the MCU, I would expect.

1) Lazy-ass, cookie cutter bullshit writing about Iron Man 2 vs. Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 was a bloated piece of crap that milked the “Ooooh, is it a drone or a real Tony” about five times too many, copped out on the Mandarin, caved to the worst of MCU executives with Guy Pearce over Rebecca Hall, went with the annoying

If only the world listened to you...

Movie voice-over: Not content with training his Cheeto-stained keyboard on an icon of the Latinx community, a woman who broke more barriers than any 1950s test pilot, Hughes now has a new target.

In his sights, the most prominent African-American MCU actor and the man who is now playing Captain America.

Who is next?

Bricken, back when he ran a fun site, did a Fan Fiction Friday post every week.

The highlight of the genre, which included Lightning McQueen being violated by a tentacle monster, a commercial spokeswoman (think the Lily from AT&T of the day) being raped with orange plastic tokens by her son, and the Giant Squid having

All right! Another cancel party! Woot!

Absolutely. The AV Club has every right to make whatever topic it wishes its purview. First Amendment and all that.

But the First Amendment doesn’t do a fucking thing to protect your credibility. You have to earn that and then keep it once you have.

That ship sailed for these clowns.

And I’m saying the Kemper episode proved the writers and editors have no sense of perspective, no ability to thoughtfully discuss the issues and would post blow-by-blow accounts of a pig shitting on a duck if it got them five more clicks.

I do think that the Kemper episode robbed this site of whatever was left of its credibility. The AV Club should sit a few plays out and leave the coverage of serious issues like colorism to better publications.

Felice Leon isn’t the problem. The AV Club is.

You are determined to have the last word. I respect your dedication to your pettiness, if nothing else. Fine, you may have the last word. My last word on this is “flibberdigibbit.” 

You didn’t get potty-trained until you were like 7, right?

Nope. Just not so fucking wrong.

I am not of the Internet. I am above. DaBard abides.

I’ll do you the courtesy of being serious. Unlike recognitions, you have not yet earned nothing but flippancy.

There is a currency here. Hard-earned currency, gained through generations of toil. Decades of fighting for rights. Years of education as to why stuff like this matters. This currency was earned by people

The Internet. 

Good news. All I have to do is wait 10 minutes for the next outrage to see if that one is more interesting. 

Nah, just got asked to go to the barricades one too many times. It’s boring now