
How about the rise of Ludwig Salt, who came from humble origins in Bavaria, battled the establishment, faced death threats and lost friends and managed to found the greatest legume empire the world has ever seen. He retires a satisfied man, confident he has bequeathed a colossus of the industry to his son Robert.


So long as we are playing in this realm, let’s do this:

The Rejects. Grown-up versions of the other kids plot their revenge.

Veruca Salt, heir to the Salt legume fortune, pretends to be a genius billionaire philanthropist who has saved countless kids’ lives by designing a peanut that doesn’t trigger allergies.

Kit Harrington really does befuddled well.

Oh for fuck’s sake. 

No, I’m saying that the three cops who “forgot” to turn on their body cameras shouldn’t be enough to justify shooting, injuring or arresting a black kid.

Your quote was, “If all 3 of these women plan to testify, what more evidence do they need?”

That sets a standard that any three people saying the same thing is

She had a recurring role on Friends. She was Phoebe’s brother’s wife. She was his teacher and then married him. Then Phoebe was a surrogate for them and had triplets. 

So, three people saying so is enough to send someone away for years? OK, now imagine it’s three cops swearing that the black kid had a gun.

And she groomed one of her students in New York, married him and then manipulated his sister into carrying triplets for them.

I’m still sad Basinger and Evans didn’t fuck.

I don’t rag on Chris Pratt. I do not expect actors to dictate my feelings on political issues. 

They were also in Cellular and I remember Statham’s character, just infuriated with Evans’ little pipsqueak, just head-butting him once and knocking him down.

You try that to my Cap now, Statham! 

I really want to be Chris Evans’ friend and also the guy Anna Faris once considered sleeping with, but decided not to and I’ll always have that story to tell. 

There is nothing less radical than self-appointed heroes whining on the Internet about how someone else should earn their money. It’s the backbone of the Internet.

I’m amazed you even get to see these movies, with all the time you must spend polishing your halo and looking down upon us from your high horse.

Easy to spend what’s not your money, ain’t it?

First, let us acknowledge that Tilda absolutely rocks this role, both in Dr. Strange and in her brief scenes in Endgame. And if there is a Force Ghosty role for her down the road, I want her to have it.

Hi, did you know you can buy things with money?

My new universe has:
* Olyphant as Iron Man
* Krasinksi as Cap
* Blunt as Black Widow
* Renner still as Hawkeye
* BJ Novak as Winter Soldier
* Yvonne Strahovski as Captain Marvel
* Zachary Levi as Star Lord
* Sairose Ronan as Wanda Maximoff
* A recovered RDJ taking over for Banner after Norton does Avengers and Age of Ultron

Jesus, now I can’t unsee it. That looks like Toni Collette playing a man.

Uncultured swine