
I was under the impression that the membrane would automatically pull liquid up through from underneath. Your explanation makes more sense.

That’s very interesting, however I’m thinking this must ‘deplete’ the coating in some way. Newton’s laws aren’t just a suggestion.

I would like to know the answers to these questions as well.

I was very disappointed when I checked for responses to your nonsense, and there was none.

That said, carbs will make more peak power than a comparable fuel injection setup, although I don’t know if that same could be said about a direct injection setup.

Actually, fuel injection systems have a parameter called tip-in enrichment. This way, an extra burst of fuel is delivered by the injectors when ever the throttle is opened. This size and duration of this ‘burst’ is determined by things like throttle opening speed, engine speed, coolant temp, intake air temp, as well

If that snowmobile had a studded track installed this wouldn’t even be a race. That said I’d love to try an Atom on ice.

It's a layout that's commonly used in German cars - I think. Although with some you have to push down on the stick to get past the lockout, instead of just "forcing it through".


If there was tire smoke I'm sure that Kiwi Zorro guy would be here telling us about the dangers of inhaling tire smoke as well. Great company lol.

Oh if you only knew. I would be very surprised if the Edmunds F-150 doesn't have a thick coat of filler over the dented areas.

The problem is that each time the light is reflected it would lose some energy, and with light moving at 300,000,000 m/s it would take very little time for it to have reflected enough times to lose all of its energy.
The only way around this that I can see would be to slow the light down (a lot!) or come up with a

I lol'd.

I remember when I first heard of this "Revoknuckle" design and I couldn't seem to find any information explaining exactly what is it. Do you happen to have any pics or further information?

I just imagined doing a brake pad bedding session with one of these connected. I don't think that would result in a good discount lol.

Much cooler than I expected.

I'm sure the voltage regulation circuits will burn up long before the LED's 25,000 hour rating.

Please try and dig the video up, you've piqued my interest!

Without our instincts to be bigger, better, faster humanity wouldn't go very far.

They probably don't know that, you should write a letter.