Frida Kahlo–artist who fucked conventions and carved a revolutionary existence of sexual liberation and radical…
Frida Kahlo–artist who fucked conventions and carved a revolutionary existence of sexual liberation and radical…
I agree. And, while she’s intelligent in many ways, she’s incredibly gullible. She seems to have that “Goop” mentality of “This ‘expert’ is attractive and charismatic; therefore his/her opinions/treatments must be legit!”. From Dr. Oz to “The Secret,” she’s consistently championed pseudoscience and woo-hoo on her…
People, Oprah running for president is NOT a good idea. NOT. Like, at all. Oprah is a very smart, very kind person, and those are great leadership qualities- but that’s not all that’s required of a president. I have no reason to think that Oprah can create and push through an infrastructure bill. Or oversee the…
Caitlyn Jenner: just another selfish, rich, clueless white lady. She can go suck it with Susan Sarandon.
Caitlyn Jenner now believes that Trump has set back transgender rights 20 years.
That’s some straight up featherless biped shaming.
YES! This scene killed me.
Here’s something to look forward to: Neko Case will release her first solo album in five years on June 1, and you…
I think every woman asked that by Access Hollywood should ask the questioner how they think women celebrities felt after hearing the Trump tape and whether they wondered if they were the unknowing topic of such nastiness when they did an Access Hollywood segment. They should ask why anyone would believe that was the…
Not gonna lie. I was 14 when it came out so I have nostalgic feelings for dumb comedies of that era, but Airheads.
Last week Janelle Monáe announced her long awaited return to music with her forthcoming album Dirty Computer,…
My people did not bring avocados from Mexico to America for this shit.
when someone brings up the “guns are necessary for protection” argument:
Trump’s budget proposal is here. It’s ill-advised and full of ways to punish the poor in all the big ways, but also…
She reads John Stuart Mills