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    I live in Southern California and I’m old enough to remember Pup ’n’ Taco. It was great. A stoner’s paradise. In today’s world of easy weed, Pup ‘n’ Taco would make bank. Just look at this menu... GRAPE SLUSH!!!

    That bread really needs some loving time with some butter and a hot grill. I just can’t imagine eating a patty melt without some noticeable grilling on the outside. 

    When I make guac I make enough for two days. That means no tomatoes. Tomatoes sitting in guac gets gross after a while. Here’s all I add.

    We used to pretend we were a dragon and just puff that stuff out of our mouth in big clouds of chocolate dust. We also at frozen Cool Whip straight out of the tub. My mom would keep it in the freezer and we learned you could flip it out and eat a few spoonfuls from the bottom and the top would still look uneaten. 

    Bleacher report? Seriously? What kind of adults do you want this tweens to turn into? PS they will need all of the Google Apps on their phone for school so you might as well teach them about Google Keep instead of using Evernote. 

    This is my jam. It’s so good on eggs, quesadillas, but where it really shines is on potatoes. I’ll make simple potato tacos: a spoonful of refried beans, some roasted potatoes, a little mexican cheese then drizzle this salsa on top.

    I love the Bachan’s sauce, I’m just wondering if anyone has tried their Spicy version or the new Yuzu version?

    Massive buns are the worst. God forbid they are dry too. I’m looking at you Mr. Fancy “25 degrees” burger place. If I want to eat a bunch of bread, I’ll make toast. 

    please don’t

    Don’t forget to have them ship some of those Canadian chocolates. I love Coffee Crisp, Wunderbars, Eat-Mores, and I have a soft spot for Cherry Blossoms which have been made in Canada since the 1890s.

    Not sure where you live Lord, but here in southern California, the least expensive place to find UK candy is at a local fish and chip shop. They have a whole wall of UK food including candy. Maybe see if you have a British fish and chip shops that do the same near you. 

    My Green Flag Movies:

    Every time I want to get judgmental about the love for Taco Bell outside of California, Texas, New Mexico etc... I am reminded of the options for real Mexican food in other states.

    Each slice or piece is probably 3 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. On a longer yam/sweet potato I’d peel it, cut it in half horizontally and then probably cut each half into four pieces. I’ve never done thin slices because I don’t want the glaze to overpower the taste of the potato. 

    Pizza crust and taco bell hot sauce. I wasn’t wasting anything. 

    I didn’t use a recipe so these measurements are all approximate. Use your professional judgement to adjust accordingly.

    During the pandemic I started covering my roasted sweet potatoes with a home-made maple-miso glaze about 20 minutes before they are done roasting. It has been life changing and IF I have any left-over I will gladly eat them the next day, even if they are still cold. SO GOOD. 

    lol. I love you. 

    Californian here. Reason #173 why a 3 bedroom 1 bath house costs 10 Billion dollars: 90% of outdoor dining is in great weather with no bugs. Sometimes you even get a view of a few trees. 

    Kean coffee makes a “Turkish” coffee with cardamom and it is perfection. I literally feel like I’m on vacation the entire time I’m drinking it.