
Hey, Gardner: you may want to try to cash that check before you give Trump what he wants.

for your FYI

He should go coach in Indy, or Atlanta next season. From the look of their fans they’ll never give up Pop.

Dilly Dilly!

The ball very clearly touches Jokic’s hand last. Not sure what the outrage is about.

Uh, it looks like it went off Jokic to me. You can see it in the overhead angle.

Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango.

Somehow the fact that she used a handgun instead of an AR-15 and subsequently wasn’t able to actually kill anyone other than herself is being spun as a reason why we shouldn’t ban assault rifles? I literally find it hard to believe that people can be this stupid.

Gee, I’m real sorry your career blew up, Ricky.

Our middle school had a rule that kids couldn’t wear sweat pants (it was the late ‘80s), and 7th grade me thought it was so stupid. I asked my Dad, who was a principal at an elementary school, why, and he just looked at me and said, “Boners.” There has never been a more obvious answer to a question.

that’s a bassoon you philistine

I’m an It’s A Mistake person, myself.

Last Splash is great, but I always preferred Pod.

“College athlete’s pay is the education they get.”


Now playing

“So now you gonna shoot me in my pinky toe?”

My preferences are “forced-pregnancy,” “pro-birth,” or “anti-choice.”

They named it after Brady because this is the car you drive after leaving your pregnant wife.

Calvin is a Natural, just like Hobbs.