How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
I know this doesn’t exactly apply to this story, but it’s been gnawing at me all weekend. I went to a friends house for an early fourth party and got roped into a political conversation with a conservative couple (friend of a friend type). It, of course, turned ugly very quickly. I wanted their honest thoughts on how…
I want my taxes back.
According to a report from Politico, it appears that the Trump administration has abandoned the White House Council on Women and Girls.
I was all ready to storm in, guns blazing, in defense of Wonder Woman but after perusing the article, I’m...not quite sure what question is she’s even being asked, or even what the point is she’s trying to get to, really, and ended up realizing the flow of the conversation seems really strange and almost, in a way,…
How ‘bout a bill that requires classes teaching police how to interact with kids?
Goebbels is German for Bannon.
you gotta not take it personally. also, i forgot to link TV on the RADIO, who was and is better than all.
Tiffany, apparently.
Oh Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, I do declare! That one sure was a knee-slapper! Suh, you are the livin’ end, I say, the vereh limit!
I live in Flint. The KWA was the county drain commissioner’s darling not the city of Flint. DWSD started to raise prices to the point that Flint couldn’t steal from the water and sewer fund (illegally) to pay day to day costs for the city and still have people afford the water.
An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:
Unless you’re taking about slavery. Then it was 1,000 years ago and everyone should shut up it’s over!
Because a lot of dudes literally don’t see or understand the full scope of the work as a result of socialization. Women see the unequal distribution of household labor because they’re the ones doing the work. It’s like how white people don’t see white privilege because they’re the ones with the privilege. People of…
He is doing it instead of blinking twice.
Manchester By the Sea director Kenneth Lonergan got his words published in his alma mater’s undergraduate student…
If your house doesn’t already have a rink, you’re not actually rich. These parents need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and stop being such slobs.