
I’m 100% sure that when judges see “unreviewable authority” they’re all like “hold my beer.”

Bannon’s a lost cause. There’s superficial beauty, and then there’s ugly that comes from deep in the marrow, in the soul. Ain’t no fixin’ that.

And some, I assume, are good people.

I doubt it’s possible to even pretend-like Bannon. The most that can be done is treating him as more powerful and Trump’s puppet master.

Or we could just not have alt-right Nazi wannabes around in 2017 to begin with.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

I imagine there are a lot of ex-Presidents that are saying to themselves, “well, I guess I won’t be talked about as Worst President Ever any more.”

I guess you haven’t seen these...

I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.

I heard something once about how Ted Kennedy’s staff answered the many, many angry calls they’d get regarding his position on gun control. Something to the effect of “As you may know, two of the Senator’s brothers were victims of gun violence.” Not sure if it’s true, but I imagine many a caller would have to think for

it turned out to be a payphone at a bar in Maine, and the guy was apparently a regular who’d get hammered every night and then call Senator Clinton’s office to rant violently at her.

“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”

With respect, I disagree. The argument that was laid out by the OP was not about facts. It was about the OP’s own sense of grievance with . . . I guess I’ll say “feminists”, but it was really about some imagined tribe that he had in his head. Feminists didn’t handcuff him, nor did anyone on this board. And key to

But think of it this way: All those people are lucky enough to not have to live through 2017!

I would like Scorsese to cast me in a movie so I am forced to lose weight.

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

Unlike Hillary, he at least was liked and respected.

“deliver justice at the ballot box”

I was at Trader Joe’s today. I bought wine. I thought I should share that.