
There’s a Venn diagram that I’m sure covers “pervs” and “multi-tasking blowjob lovers” well

Really? I don’t either and I can’t imagine enjoying both having my coffee and getting eaten out at the same time. I don’t know, pretty sure I’d be like, “leave me alone, I’m trying to enjoy my coffee right now” 95% of the time and the other, pretty sure I’d forget the coffee.

Wierdly everyone in Washington swears Kellyanne is a really nice, reasonable person which means she’s either real good at compartmentalizing or she’s an extremely charming sociopath.

If you are looking for clothes that can take you from your workout into the rest of your day, you are either doing your workout or the rest of your day wrong.

I hear stuff like this and I wonder: really? Has he really “reignited” or advanced the discussion? Is there quantifiable proof? The advancement I’m seeing here is the race to see who can have the most original or creative National Anthem “protest.”

Altoids on the other hand fully denounced Trump. Considering they are not involved in this, I found their statement to be curiously strong.

<the secret ingredient is always money>

In the meantime, Doe is asking the court to stop the university panel from making a decision and $600,000 in damages.

No, assholes are why the red pill exists.

It’s like those people who say, “My parents hit me and I’m fine!”