Ku Klux Klam

My guess is that she’s replaying her worse-case scenario vision of Ben doing the horizontal mambo with the much younger nanny.

The are many many well paying non-union jobs out there if your educated in a high demand field. No need for unions in those workplaces.

Apps have been labeled like this for a long time. I don’t see this as being big news at all.

Were SP ever that big of a live draw even at the peak of their 90's popularity? Seems like a bit of a reach for them to go this big, by themselves, after so long away.

Yet another career damaged by some unfunny person trying to be funny on twitter. When will folks learn that the best thing about being funny on twitter is a few useless re-tweets while the worst thing will be losing you job. Not the type of risk smart folks should be taking.

I’d tell you but the director promised to kill my parents if I ever talked about it.

It will be interesting to see how they tip-toe around the fact that Ken Kratz was a pill-head, sex-maniac dirt bag during the prosecution. Or maybe they will just claim that it had no effect on his judgement and decision making.

My daughters are in figure skating classes and I can tell you that the coaches can’t make a living coaching ice-skating. They all have full time jobs outside of the rink and any extra work needs to be scheduled around school, work, hockey games and yes birthday parties. Many rinks also do not have year round ice and

Crap, I was looking forward to this. Still going to watch it anyway but with lowered expectations....which may not be a bad thing.

He was great in “Gods and Monsters” which is a criminally underrated movie. I don’t think anyone saw it outside of the first few weeks it was out in your local video store.

Nice to see Moon will be available. May have to watch that again.

I can’t exactly put my finger in when it happened but sometime in the last 7 or 8 years Matthew Lillard became a pretty good actor.

How about figuring out a way to get the original Muppet show on some TV channel or streaming service in the mean time. Pigs in Space deserves to find a whole new audience. I have a PIS lunchbox back in they day when they made metal lunchboxes with matching plastic thermos’s.

In a moment of quite reflection is there any chance these folks wonder to themselves why the Russian would go through all this trouble to help make sure that Trump won the election? Nah probably not.

Does he ever address that fact that Smithers appeared to be a fellow of African-american decent in his first few appearances on the show? I’ve always wondered about that....

I’d like to hope no family court judge in this county is stupid enough the let Rae even be in the same room with his kid let alone give him custody but these days you never know. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and the kid with cut Daddys throat when they finally meet.

God do I hat the shootout as a way to decide the winner. Fucking hate it. I understand (sort of) why the NHL does it in the regular season but thankfully they shelve that shit for the playoffs. Gotta let the boys play not start a new game to decide the winner.

Looking Forward to this! Is it official that season 6 will be the last or is that still up in the air?

Trying to have a baby with Rachel McAdams sounds fun. I’d probably skip the whole Game Night thing for that.