I love the Original “Point Break”. Is that considered a bad movie? Should I jump up on a table here at work, strike a surfer pose and have my colleges shout out “Johnny Utah!”?
I love the Original “Point Break”. Is that considered a bad movie? Should I jump up on a table here at work, strike a surfer pose and have my colleges shout out “Johnny Utah!”?
I’ll go to my grave assuming it had to do with her red vibrator from the previous episode.
I liked this more than the reviewer. Certainly not a great episode, but much better than I expected. I thought Carter would send us down a horse-shit rabbit hole of conspiracy/mythology bullshit but instead he just had Mulder kill everyone on that side of the fence. I am left with some questions though....
The busted shark was a blessing in disguise. The look on Quint’s face when he realizes the shark can pull the barrels underwater lets the viewer know just how nasty an fish it is in ways that the rubber and plastic shark can’t. See what the shark was able to do was way more terrifying that seeing it in person. Quint…
A president who fucks porn-stars on the side appointing pro-abstinence admininstrators to HHS isn’t the definition of irony I don’t know what is.
You may be right about that. I do recall reading that Shaw drank a shit load while on set and was a royal prick to Dreyfuss off camera.
“The choice to make Ahab figure Quint a survivor of the infamous USS Indianapolis disaster is Spielberg’s most brilliant invention—no, that timeless monologue isn’t in the source material.”
All upvoted.
Does making dick jokes in the kinja comments counts as ‘writing for free’?
I’ll up vote any ‘They Live’ references that i come across. Sadly I don’t see many these days.
I can’t decide if Lost in Space is going to be good or bad. I’ll let me fellow Kinja posters lead the way on that one. What could possibly go wrong .
He’s like the living personification of the exact opposite of the Carnegie Hero award. I mean 180 degrees opposite. That’s not easy to do. I don’t think a lot of folks understand how much work goes into being this kind of useless human being.
What ever Mac got paid it was too much.
Sadly 5 will get you a ‘leave of absence’. One still needs double digit accusations in order to have to “resign, effective immediately”
Laura Breszka is easy on the eyes.
Someone give the person who came up with the photo that leads this article a raise. Best fucking topping photo I’ve seen here in a long time.
I’d have to say “Captain American: The first Avenger” is my least favorite. The whole second half of the movie is just an elaborate setup to get Capt into Modern Day American. Plus he and Red Skull never really throw down like I’d like. Just a lot of angry talk followed by one (or both of them) walking away.
Does being able to bring back the old AV club comments section count?
So the Tomb of Horrors and the Blade Runner stuff is in the movie or did they just not try and get the rights?