Ku Klux Klam

Can the real president of twitter just pull the plug on the whole fucking toxic platform all ready? Please? Pretty please?

Is that tee lighting live? If not was Matt Lauer involved?

Aw fuck. Your telling me there is nobody out there to come forward to say that ‘the shituation’ sexually harassed them back in the day so that his project gets scuttled. Nobody?

Me too. I so wish that they had killed off Katie Cassidy back in the day and left Caity Lotz on Arrow full time. Have her go to law-school in the off season and boom seamlessly sub her in.

Meh, I only really watch Arrow so I’ll only end up seeing 1/4 of the ‘event’ Did the same thing last year. It works for me.

Everything about those garbage people is shit. Absolute shit. Poorly written and poorly conceived. If Rick has snipers in surrounding the Sanctuary why not around their trash house too. Fucking hate the trash people, Fucking hate them.

Can he Beat the Pats in a meaningful game. nope.

With the Super-Fast zombie stuff I can see no way that the #2 could be at all faithful to the book. That being said Finchers involvement has me interested. Assuming he sticks around.

Doesn’t “The Deuce” have multiple James Francos? Is this going to be a ‘thing’ now?

I wish somebody would go back and make an old-fashioned 1st person shooter like Dark Forces. Maybe expand it a bit and add light sabers and the option to fly Tie-Fighers and shit. All this multiplayer, microtrasactions, loot crates and shit just get in the way.

Mimsy would be an outstanding Halloween costume but I can’t figure out how to pull it off.

True or False: You can catch mono from Riding the Monorail?

Really? I watch football because It’s not really easy to get 22 guys together for a game at any given moment. I also watch the NHL because ice time is expensive. Video games on the other hand I can start playing in only a few minutes. I don’t get it either. Plus the hyper-toxic culture that has grown up around this

Laugh it up now but the way things are going Moore will be a senaror and Garmon may end up being nominated to replace Ruth BG on the supreme court.

Items of flair, they are called items of flair.

Would Harrison Ford do this? I doubt it? Would Billy D Williams get the same reaction from Fans?

The end of Assassin’s Creed will come not via planning by the games developers but rather when sales bottom out. If it’s still sells it will stick around for ever (see “Call of Duty”) if sales are poor it will end swiftly and suddenly (see “Dead Space” and “Mass Effect”)

Why do people watch this crap? Does it hurt to think for yourself?

Funny how just 2 weeks ago they were looking to challenge the Pats for the lead in the AFC East. Now not so much. To make matters worse they still have to play the Pats...twice!

In the show’s defense Shiva saving the king plays out exactly like it did in the comics.