Ku Klux Klam

Mike and Mike was some of the blandest sports radio ever produced by man. Not that I admire the non-stop hot takes and fake arguments that permeate the medium but good was it boring stuff and lame white-bread conventional wisdom takes. It’s been nearly 10 years since I listened and I don’t miss it one bit.

HR is not your friend. This should be taught in schools around the world. HR is there to protect the interests of the company and make sure that all legal paperwork related to individual employee’s is up to snuff. It is not there to protect or shield you from anything or anyone. It will not advance your interests or

Maybe the new mascot could be a 12 inch pianist? See how long it takes a dip shit like Kyle to figure it out.

Damn that shit is strait out of Skyrim or Fallout 4

Why bother to hide music unless you don’t think it’s any good?

$50 says Luck stays in Europe until the Colts trade him. Irsay’s incompetence will ruin his career is he takes another snap for this team. In fact it may have already ruined it depending upon how the shoulder heals.

Kaplan is safe. Except for him Boom-Boom and Barbarino everybody else who was on that show is dead. Dead people can’t accuse others of rape on social media (not yet anyway).

Shameless ratings stunt. Get people to listen by saying something dumb that people will find offensive and wait for the yahoo’s to tune in tomorrow for the apology. Anyone who thinks they need Felger and their ilk in order to have an informed opinion on sports deserves to be locked in a room with Loius CK and Kevin

He should quit then. Seriously, what kind of leverage does this ass-hat have? He’s is absolutely nothing special and could easily be replaced. Why would ownership cave to any of his demands? A strong argument can be made that by injecting himself into the discipline process and other missteps he’s done more harm than

What if all your opinions are useless. Lots of folks fall into this category.

Nice! My dream of seeing the entire cast of “Entourage” in jail on Felony charges is now a bit closer to reality.

Overwatch star? I know those words but that sentence makes no sense.

They can do this? Cool can we go back and get Jar-Jar Binks out of the Phantom Menace? If possible also alter the script so that Star Wars isn’t a political ‘thriller’ about trade routes.

I see none of these issues running iOS 11.1 on my iPhone 7. Perhaps 8 and X should share some blame.

Will the B-side be a cover of “Ahab The Arab”? Does anyone on Kinja know what a B-side is?

I like the cut of this guys jib. Not enough bad things can happen to Osteen.

oops. It would seem that the Air Force as a whole lot of dumb-asses on low level jobs.

Pickled heart? Sounds delicious.

What to be a real hero on Thanksgiving? Politely decline your invitation. One less person running around my house would be appreciated far more than salad.

To be honest many things in life would be vastly improved if they were to abandon subtly for strait up fuckin’. Everything but church really. The church did try it for a while but it turned out poorly for them.