Is it bad that I know that chick is Cory Chase? I mean I didn’t have to even think about it. Maybe that’s the bad part.
Is it bad that I know that chick is Cory Chase? I mean I didn’t have to even think about it. Maybe that’s the bad part.
Ouch. Last years gun control themed episode was a heavy handed pendantic mess. Can we just skip this one and do something with The Huntress, Cupid and a hot tub or beach house. Please.
Just look at ownership and you’ll get a pretty good idea why they have
The NFL was bound and determined to get not one but two teams in LA. The other 30 owners pocked HUGE relocation fee’s. Now the vast majority of the risk associated with these franchises is born by the individual owners and the Tax-paying citizens of LA. It’s a win-fuck you LA situation.
This guy figured on a way to make a good living playing video games on line but he can’t seem to figure out that any controversial topic is going to cost him part or all of that living. I don’t get it.
Unless your in the cast of “The Man in the High Castle” what mentally competent adult thinks is cool or funny to dress like a Nazi in pulic. How hard is that to figure out?
The perpetual medioctiry that is Marvin Lewis has finally gone viral and effected the whole team. The Jig is up in the Queen City. By Christmas Lewis will be gong (maybe even by Turkey Day) and another decade long re-build will begin.
What makes you think most of those people are going to work the next day.
If this does happen please let history accuretly record the fact that Roger Godell was the A #1 reason why it happened.
Aside from Kapp being unemployeed, none of this is new. Brady was the NFL’s poster child for disciple run amuck last year this time it’s Elliott. Last year had its fair share of lousy QB’s just like this year. I’m 100% sure the NFL will be in federal court this time next year trying to uphold their own kangraroo court…
I just realized that Carla Gugino and Cara Buono are not the same person. How weird is that?
I imagine strait burbon with a side of perscription meds is called “The Hop”?
Clerks is one of the best comedy’s ever made. Infinitely quotable and aged like a fine wine. Clerks 2 however essentially spit in the face of the original. That’s why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.
I never met the man (and proably never will) but I will go to my grave assuiming that in-person he reeks of liver and onions.
I’d never sign up to a streaming service just to watch one show so as good as Star Trek looks I’ll pass. If if was THAT GOOD I’m guessing it would make it to CBS’s on air lineup.
I see, now its all my fault. You guys are starting to sound like my family, friends and those 2 pesky jurys of ‘my peers’.
Being celebate for long stretches of time DOES NOT “Transform sexual energy into creative power”. If it did I’d have written 956 novels from 1998- 2000.
Obviously Rog has been emboldened by the sucess of the Brady suspenseion which was also built upon flimzy evidence. Cowboy fans probably thought that was kinda funny this time last year. Now not so much. Wonder who will be next in line for some sort of arbitrary suspension from on high?
B17 Bomber for the Itelliivision would let you bomb the ever living shit out of Germany for as long as you could take. It also worked with the interi-voice box. Loved that game.
On the lame morning shows expectations are lower and personality can go a long way when you have hours to fill and only minutes of hard news to work with. On any sort of prime-time news program a ‘name’ only goes so far before actual content starts to matter.