
I mean as far as I can tell it’s supposed to be the worst ending or close enough, so they kind of succeeded. I didn’t like it either because I felt it contradicted its own themes but if their goal was just to have a bad and depressing ending, they succeeded I suppose.

With this and Godzilla officially beating Superman in a stand-off, the King of Monsters is eating well.

At release the game was suffering from hype having distorted what most people were expecting from the game. Depending on who you asked they might have told you it was a cyberpunk GTA FPS, or cyberpunk Skyrim, or cyberpunk Witcher game. It simply was never that kind of game and it was never going to be, but a lot of

I mean, both of them are probably very different people if their dads hug them, and that’s my only point here.

And it was his dad who disproved Elon’s fabled origin myth in a public interview - Errol was the one who came out, on record, and said Musk started and deserved getting put in hospital for it: “Even I think Elon went too far”.

You really don’t. I believe in the AVC article on Musk proceeding this one a commenter said something about him becoming a comic book villian over the course of the last x number of years, but before that he was a good guy. It felt really skeptical reading that comment, but I guess that was the vibe at one time.

Yeah. That’s definitely different, though.

I don’t know if it’s that far fetched. I hear he hugs his step daughter all the time. 

It makes sense he’d be threatening with a thermonuclear lawsuit.

I’ve always felt like Elon Musk was a poorly-written Bond villain. A tech billionaire, raised in apartheid South Africa, family money from emerald mining (in Zambia), bullied in an all-boys school, etc... He’s the whiny little bitch who now has money and thinks that it makes him important. 

Never has there been a man so clearly in need of his father to hug him and tell him he’s proud of him.   I can’t imagine being that rich and still having such a fragile ego 

This is when you lie low and hope it all blows over, not when you bluster and draw attention to your bigotry. You don’t want giant posters of megacorp ads next to Nazi propaganda shown in court and on the evening news. The recent attempt by some board members to remove him over these statements would probably be

1) We never saw the mom in Afterlife

It’ll be a refreshing change of pace!

Yes between Patton Oswalt, Kumail Nanjiani, Carrie Coon, Bill Murray, and Paul Rudd... there will definitely be no comedy in it.

Horny or not, you’re coming with me.

More likely guaranteed a kid at least. That’s also how they reproduce.

That’s why we explore. In order to see what’s out there!


Even better, his likeness is used in the game, so his perfect lips return under RoboCop’s visor.”