
‘Tis ‘fraid of fire!

The problem is that Halo’s game/book lore is pretty terrible at it’s origins and has continually been expanded and retconned. I mean Master Chief starts out as a stock character supersoldier, over time they fleshed out the Spartan program and retconned Master Chief from being the last Spartan in existence. You can’t

well according to TikTok the US is directly abetting the genocide in Gaza. 

Tik Tok is heavily built up around social engineering western population to erode social trust. Basically make people feel like the institutions wholly broken and nothing short of revolution will fix them. It’s to breed counter-social behaviors and/or total civic disengagement. Right wing tiktok is all about fostering

In PA Bars, supermarkets, and convience stores can sell the equivelent of 2 bottles of wine or 2 6packs per transaction. They can sell you more, you just have to come back or have someone else buy it. That was the comprimise in the 2010's to allowed that to happen in the first place as the beer distributors have had

Because the game is a personal journey. The pawns are asymetrical co-op and that itself forms a part of the the cosmology of the gameverse. Pawns come from the Rift which bridges worlds, they player character is not a pawn but an Arisen which are capable of summoning pawns. Having another person playing a pawn alters

I only hope the nutty Pawn commentary continues. Also I hope pawn pathfinding is better. There is nothing worse than coming to a chest on the edge of an abyss and you pawn runs up and leaps over it only to vanish into the dark. Doubly so if you spent rift crystals hiring said pawn.

actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism. 

Heinlin later explained that military service wasn’t the only way to gain citizenship, just the easiest way. Some form of civil service was necessary, so fire-fighters or paramedics or social workers would also qualify. Basically the idea was someone needed to invest themselves in society to have a hand in guiding

I think the issue is that media literacy in American had be watered down by capitalisic marketeers hoping to sell you something awful as the next great thing. Which is ironic because that was kinda the point of Robocop. I think Pual Verhooven get’s America so well that his satire falls firmly into to realm of Poe’s

Yeah, that’s what get’s me. People don’t know how stupid simple the basics of nuclear weapons are. The weapons grade nuclear material is the biggest hurdle. If you really wanted to do it a gun type trigger is technically easier to develop even though it’s less reliable and not as scalable and requires higher grade

This is the least NSFW article on this bucket lid I’ve seen.  I think you are losing your touch James. 

The first game was about connecting with people. Pure and simple. Everthing was built up around that and just gets wierder and wierder.  I absolutely love it. 

Eh Nicholas Winding Refn is pretty close to Kokima in wierdness in his movies. I guess that’s wht they have thier wierd bromace going on and Kojima shows up in Copenhagan Cowboy

He appears at the end of Copenhagan Cowboy from Nicholas Winding Refn. and NRW himself appears prominantly in Death Stranding. I think Kojima is right where he wants to be blending the mediums.

Your problem isn’t with supporting working actors, your problem is with the capitalist system driving the executives of said companies who seek to extract as much revenue from the system they can with out actually contributing to the end product.

Becuase conservative talk radio has done a splendid job of convincing hard working American’s that Unions are just oppressive government that is taxing them through union dues just to enrich themselves and not work for the benefit of employees and draw on historic connections of certain unions to organized crime to

I’m ok with that.  

I fully expect that not only will they reuse NMS assets, they’ll be reusing the plot and the whole setting will be another simulation of ATLAS.

I’d really wish they’d take some Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbuster nods. We need live action Kylie Griffin, and Alfonso Ribeiro would be great to take up the live action version he voiced Roland. Also Slimer, he needs to come around. And bring back Ecto-Cooler