
The original series was a kid’s show, so it doesn’t have a lot of time to do complex characterization for a character like Cyclops, who has to be the one to corral everyone into place. Most kid’s shows with team ensembles had similar struggles where the leader had to be uptight and strict all the time so that the rest

It was badass. I’ve never been a Cyclops fan but whoever made this certainly was because they definitely made it a point to show him off.

They did the impossible, and actually made Cyclops and his power look cool.  Made it very clear that they’re not laser beams, they’re concussive blasts.  That first fight where he was using the blasts to dodge FOH, and immediately move himself into a new position in the room was inspired.

Yep. Organic guiding describes DD fairly well. With Dark Arisen, it only introduces tutorials as information for certain mechanics, and not as a gameplay introduction, with the game opening up the moment you reach the capital. 

I was hoping it would still be as corny as it was the first time around, and it made me happy during a preview when one of the pawns said “Fie! ‘Tis a cyclops!”

If it’s anything like the first one, I’ll definitely say that it is a dense game that seems impenetrable, but I was able to replay it as an adult over thirty with limited gaming time and found it to be one of the more enjoyable gaming experiences in recent years. I know that doesn’t make sense, but it’s a game that

The ridiculous pawn dialog is what I’ll be playing for, excited to hear it’s been expanded to be even more ridiculous!

This review, and the line from Polygon’s impressions (“This game respects your choices, not your time”) reminded me why I didn’t finally click with the first game until I bought it again on Switch, many years after its release. Once I could pick it up and put it down with ease, quickly resuming where I left off, those

There are plenty of created works that deviate from the source material and provide good or better works.

Most games fail because they’re not built to work as a 2 hour film feature. So even you do stick to the plot of a video game and don’t consider that what might work for a video game might not work for a film, then yeah, you might make those fans happy...

But you’ve essentially made a movie that doesn’t work for anyone

That said, if you don’t try and adhere to what makes the original so beloved then you’re not going to make anyone happy.

That’s not hard rule, sometimes deviation from the source material produces better work.

The way you adjust your rhetoric depending on which country you’re talking about is telling. You’ve been fear-mongering all over this comment section but your comparison to TikTok is the US government getting access to our data “if they really needed it”. Your double standard is showing with every post.

... to the point, Tik-Tok is used as a means of not just collecting data, but influencing the populace. It’s not hard to imagine being shown things that would sway your opinion (hell, EVERYTHING sways your opinion). But when it’s a foreign government that seeks to undermine your own, you aren’t talking about “but what

Russia has committed election interference within the US. If you think China won’t do the same... I don’t know what to tell you. And if you aren’t actively combatting foreign entities, especially rivals and potentially hostile ones, from influencing your elections, then you are inviting them to influence government

#2 solves #1. It doesn’t matter how many guns the fascists have, as long as they don’t control the military, they’ll be dead before they even know the drone is there.

Dem voters are pessimistic because they see the country backsliding into fascism, backed by a loud minority, and funded by the billionaire class.

The world is more prosperous and safer than it it has ever been by any metric. And yet you’re convinced things are awful. You’re convinced of this because of TikTok. It is indeed a Trojan Horse intended to make you miserable, pliable, weak, and easily conquered. 

Hell TikTok itself is arguably just a replacement for Vine, which was killed because some top creators unionized. Which, in retrospect, you have to laugh at the whole situation that lead us here.

Multiple things can intersect and be true at once if you consider the history at play here.