
People who are exceptional at one thing frequently assume that they must be exceptional at every thing. To make matters worse, we have a society that does everything in its power to back up this delusion. Then, to make matters EVEN worse, we live in a capitalistic hellhole where people don’t even need to ACTUALLY be

I guess the Gatcha.. Gotcha...

Listen, people turned their nose up at the bare bones Metal Gear collection but the alternative is Konami trying to pay someone to tinker with the series and that never ends well.

Nah, you’re thinking of Quantum Break.

I mean is this at all surprising given its history of being one of the MOST exploitative and abusive companies for game devs to work at, putting profits well above making good games, making targeted attacks against those employees who attempt to prioirtize making good games, and having a wide variety of beloved

the beauty of knobs and buttons is you LEARN them, and then you don’t need to look to change them.

I’ve been watching some very old Motorweek shows and they often comments as far back as the 1980s about the ease (or lack) of the use of radio and temperature controls.

It’s true. He has some sole searching to do.

If there's any footing involved, he'll be there.

Tarantino should probably get therapy, but I don’t know if he’d want to foot the bill.

Tarantino’s portrayal of her father as ‘an arrogant asshole who was full of hot air’

I can’t argue with the “cultural ubiquity” of the characters, but also my kids have no idea who Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are.

That’s cool. You know, if WB were smart, they’d have the full library of Looney Tunes available to watch on their platform, especially highlighting it right now as cross-promotion. But Zaslav.

I can’t believe you they didn’t allow me to play with my CRT scan lines in 4k at 60fps.  (Humanity is doomed...)

When the fuck are we going to stop simping for this grifter?

People give Hasan shit because he constantly criticizes US foreign policy as “imperialism” but hand waves Russia’s foreign policy on Ukraine as justified due to “US aggression”. He’s also known for defending China’s treatment of Uighars as “re-education camps” and not for the cultural genocide that it is.

He’s not a

I’d add ban the bs left turn arrow as well,

Indeed, which is why I also added “or otherwise ensure that they are clearly not going to start moving when I step in front of them.” Maybe that’s just the fact that there are other pedestrians in the crosswalk that they’ve clearly already seen - perhaps coming the other way. Maybe it’s just their mannerisms that

As to the left turn arrow, in many places without it, you won’t ever be able to make a left turn. The key is to have it change to a green light (or flashing yellow arrow in my state) so you have the option to turn left if traffic clears out, rather than only allowing left turns on a green arrow.  They have done this

Please. Please give us more roundabouts. It’d totally eliminate that stuck-at-the-never-changing-light-despite-no-traffic-coming situations.