
Some tried to pitch multi-level marketing to me with a very similar spiel. 

Because the old production guard is entrenched and have enriched thier friends over the years and anything that costs them more money (such as switch over) is not going to fly. It’s all about rent seeking behavior. Making money without expending effort.

and had a kid not 2 years after Mullany doing stand up saying he didn’t want children. 

you need to do more whip-its

Someone should “volunteer” the hackers for the Ukrainian front. They can go to GSC’s offices in person to demand change.

Insecurity is exactly why he won’t release the results of his children’s paternity tests. 

This isn’t the same as sampling that hip-hop did. This is basically Ice Ice Baby if it was performed by Millie Vanilli.

I think this is a misinterpretation of how the Qunari have been portrayed. They are the Borg, they assimilate you. You cease being an individual and become Qunari, the Qunari operate as a single entity and it exists to perpetuate itself. The Demands of the Qun perfectly encapsulates that. Saving the dreadnaught and

All the MOMENTS will be lost in time. Like tears in the rain. 

If one is capable of sliding further to the right then they were always far-right and just good at masking it. 

Your hypothetical would only be comparable if the US invaded Mexico to prevent Mexico joining an alliance that hadn’t actually offered or publicly discussed allowing Mexico to join.

I was more referring to the show itself having an identity crisis rather than the character. The first 2 seasons didn’t seem to know what plot thread it wanted to follow and finish. Both seasons left huge MacGuffin’s loose end at the end that was promptly dropped when the next season aired. The plot bounced around

Star Trek should really explore new takes in different universe and such similar to how Gundam reinvents itself from time to time. You keep the Prime Timeline in steady circulation with fresh content(like the UC timeline in Gundam) but allow the same basic franchise concept play out differently. The Kelvin timeline

I’m amused by the whole NATO expansion angle they push. As if someone NATO is forcing people to join an alliance of willing nations. Really if anyone is pushing NATO expansion it’s Putin, I mean for half a century Sweden and Finland prided themselves as neutral and independent nations. Russia invades Ukraine and

I mean the US funneled arms to the Mujhadeen in the 1980's as well. The point remains that even despite it being pretty obvious of US involvement it didn’t escalate towards WW3. The leadership was aware that the only winning move was not to play.

There are geopolitical consequences for allowing Russia to be unopposed here as well. It’s not secret they seek to reclaim Soviet and Imperial Russian borders. They’ve made specific overtures that the Baltic states also should be incorporated into Russia. Russia has essentially decided half does not have the right to

Because the pre 2014 elections were “free and fair” and elected pro-Kremlin candidates in overwhelming numbers because that’s what the people wanted. The same type of elections in 4 oblasts that voted to join the Russian Federation last year, the same type of elections that the people welcomed the Ukrainian liberation

Russia launched an invasion of a sovereign nation with the explicit intent to annex and engage in genocide of the Ukrainian people and culture. The Russian leadership and media have made it known they don’t consider Ukraine an independent nation, that they consider it part of Russia (this is the crux Russian and pro-Ru

You clearly know nothing of PA. Fettermen became popular among moderates and even some republican’s when he rose to prominence when Governnor Wolfe nominated him for Lt. Gov. The fact he spent most of his time around the state in a hoodie and shorts created an image that made him popular with the working class

I hope they give Ian and Blu bigger roles is season 5 of Star Trek Discovery. I love how they are both adopted by Rapp and Cruz and it’s just done in passing, no big hullabaloo about “oh look at them being nice and adopting” its just they took a shine to the kids and decided you are part of our family now.