
I think the AC fandom has already ruined the franchise multiple times over. It’ll be nice to have it ruined differently this time. 

No, I get it. Sometimes you want to take a break from a game but not really lose the immersion. I loved the dating sim aspect of Thousand Arms because you needed to do it to upgrade your weapons. 

Really they should just let players form a polycule.

I see you are a fan of Transformer’s Kiss Players. 

FROM should read the room and deliver the dark and brooding Mecha-Musume game people are clamoring for.

Form a polycule with Zevran and Isabelle. There is plenty of love to go around

MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY. Dorian and Iron Bull are like sitcom lovable and they deserve each other. All the Inquisition romances are ho hum to me, nothing beats the Warden being in hopeless love with Morrigan despite her disapproval and following her through the Eluvian or the tragedy of romancing Anders. Solas is the

That’s not explicitly true. They have to act in the shareholder’s best interest. Most often the board interprets this as “maximized profit”, however failing to account for a foreseeable obstacle would run afoul of doing thier fiduciary duty to the shareholders. So given that there is ample evidence of petroleum

Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson did the Metaverse best. I mean it coined the term Metaverse and Avatar (as your online representation). Plus you’ve got Hiro Protagonist as your lead.

China has already installed SIGINT equipment on cellphone towers near these bases. There was a big hullabaloo about how that even happened.

because slowly letting the balloon descend means winds will carry it for a longer period of time very possibly into a populated area. Plus i don’t think many Montana ranchers would be terribly keen on the government to cordon off thier property for an extended period of time to gather all the pieces.

this happened twice under him.

Honestly if it wasn’t for all the people screaming about this it would have been left to it’s own devices. 

Yeah but they can do that ever less expensively with a van on public roadways. 

Given that the F-22 has a ceiling of 65K feet and balloons can get over the 120k the chance to get into gun range is unlikely. 

Once again NASCAR banning things that make the races more interesting.  I mean it’s a legitimate safety concern but i feel if they are bring in that kind of sponsor cash they should be required to take greater more risk, for the people’s enteretainment. 

Alternative is that he’s Alec Baldwin and they want to try and nail a liberal Hollywood guy and it’s being pushed by people who fall into the a) category. 

Someone should port the Panasonic CD-i Zelda games.  

It’s politically motivated. It’s outspoken criticism of right-wingers makes them want to find something to nail him for.  

There is no conspiracy that is too absurd to work for comedy anymore. The only way you could make Dale work is if he’s speaking absolute truths and no one believes him.