
You do realize the US has offered Bout for Whelan several times? The Russian’s weren’t willing to part with Whelan for him. The Russian’s want something the US doesn’t have.  

Not really, Bout’s sentence only has a few years left on it anyway. So he’ll be getting out in a few years regardless. The Russian’s aren’t willing to part with Whelan for anything less than a Russian national in prison for espionage. What this does is get Bout out of the US and get’s Griner back in the US.


Alex Jones knows not to say the quiet part loud which Ye was yelling at the top of mountain. They didn’t realize he would set thier hate peddling machine ablaze. 

So you are saying AI’s just want to get thier sexy on? 

What’s really interesting about this right here is that the Peralz’s, Mr. Blue Eyes, Night Corp, and Sandra Dorsett all seem to tie into together. Sandra Dorsett uncovered Night Corp was experimenting with AI mind control, Mr. Blue Eyes is watching you at the end of the quest chain from a balcony and his eyes glow

It’s pretty amazing for being an isometric CRPG engine adapted for more intense combat. I went right from Neverwinter Nights 2 to the Witcher and it was I had no issues.  

He should really question what kind of people are pretty ok with his use of the n-word and why he wants to cater to them. Remember why Dave Chapelle said he cancelled the Chapelle Show? 

I love how he’s giving off an aura of calm despite the fact that various international regulatory agencies are sharpening thier knives for the slam dunk privacy and security violations. Also there is a non-zero possibility that Elon loses his security clearance at Space X given that Saudi Arabia was a major investor

If you look at the whole geopolitical landscape if Trump was in power she wouldn’t have been detained in the first place. Her arrest and conviction was specifically about getting leverage over the US in the lead up to thier invasion of Ukraine.

Trump tried to cut Ukraine off from arms and training and he would have

The sentence she received for her offence was excessive compared to others who committed the same offence in Russia. Also foreigners committing this type of offence would typically have been deported and prohibited reentry. The fact she was detained and sentence far in excess of what is applied for said crime in

It’s backed up by the 2nd quest for the lady you rescue in the beginning where she has evidence that Night Corps (the mega running Night City’s basic functions) experimented with AI mind control.  Jefferson is running for mayor and thus in Night Corps interest.  Also Mr. Blue Eyes is watching your final meeting with

NOOOO. Drunk Don Lemon is ridiculous. Like that time he interrupted Kathy Griffin and Anderson to tell Kathy she had an “amazing rack”. Why would they want to do away with that. 

I mean have you seen the terrible twitter trolling that House Republican’s make?  It’s practically part of the job now. 

Ya know in my caffeine induce insomnia i hatched the idea that the anteverse Kajiu creaters in Pacific Rim are actually in that universe’s Hollow Earth that got sealed off. 

Ok you really need to watch the later Showa era Godzilla movies. Godzilla vs Megalon where the inhabitants of Seatopia are angry thier underground society was disrupted by nuclear testing so they send thier giant monster Megalon to destroy Tokyo BUT they also steal Dr. Goro’s robot Jet Jaguar because they need

HAHAHA, there is no one left to reply to the DMCA notice. So Twitter will be unable to respond. 

I think the difference is the western merchandise is either a collectable or something that you could integrate into your daily life fairly non-descriptly. I have a Portal Aperture Science jacket that looks like a fairly typical. The people that know, know what it is but to everybody else it looks like something you’d

I think the story telling aspect has been different. My issue is so many JRPG’s (and anime as well) are wall to wall with the same tropes being rehashed over and over again in the same basic way. I think other global studios are more willing to subvert the tropes to try to tell a story differently. I think perhaps

What job have you been working at for the last 8 years in Japan?  

Sorry for being unclear. I wasn’t trying to give him an out for being on the spectrum. Autism doesn’t excuse one for being an asshole. He’s doubling down on being an asshole about things because he is being embarrassed and rather than admit he made a mistake he’s lashing out. He’s never learned to deal with personal fa